A Key That Opens Our Fervent Desire

Walk into any jewelry store and you will find that all items of real value are kept in locked display cases. Look at them all you want, but if you decide to actually hold or purchase them, you must ask the jeweler to unlock the case and hand you the item. But no reputable jeweler will give access to these items to just anybody who walks in simply because he asks.
For many, the ‘fervent desire’ was only an impulsive lust, a brief fancy, or they were not interested in buying anything in the first place. In return, the jeweler will generally give little to no attention to any such interests.
How often it seems that the things we desire the most in our heart are locked away and unobtainable, like the high-ticket items in the jewelry store. Since we really want these things and are willing to make enough of our own effort to get them, we think that we can readily obtain them. But, even though we know they are there, we don’t see any physical means to reach them readily available. So we give up in frustration and disappointment, yet they still remain locked up and out of our reach in the end.
God Wants us to Ask of Him for Our Fervent Desire
Thankfully, God, the Master Jeweler, knows our situation. Is our fervent desire actually just an occasional whim? Do they align with His plan for our life and His will for us? Will they bring Him honor and glory? Or do they just gratify our carnal self and actually work toward our detriment?
He has given us the key to unlock our fervent desire—which is prayer.
He often keeps what we want so much locked away for our own good. He wants to see just how serious we are about possessing what we value so greatly.
Therefore, persist in asking Him to give you your fervent desire. “…Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity [persistence] he will rise and give him as many as he needeth. And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened” (Luke 11:8-10). The more we press through as we petition and exercise faith in our heavenly Father, the more He will show forth His faithfulness.
But, at the same time, we should not just spout off our requests to God repeatedly, like a machine gun. Jesus warned about such attempts: “…when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen [do]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” (Matthew 6:7).
It is All in His Season to Give
On the other hand, fulfillment of our fervent desire is in God’s timing. He knows when and if we are able and mature enough to receive them and He will act accordingly. Think of a little boy asking his parent to take him to the store to buy an engagement ring. The parent will ask him just who he wants to buy it for (and incredulously just how he got that much money).
He replies that there is no one yet. He just wants it available for the future when he meets the right person to give it to. But even if the boy did buy a ring, he could not take care of this kind of valuable item responsibly for such an extended time.
Therefore, a wise parent would not fulfill the request, knowing his child is not yet mature enough to handle it. This does not mean that the boy will never get a ring—just that he will not be allowed to acquire it at this time. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord” (Isaiah 55:8).

Prayer and Faith is Really the Key to Our Fervent Desire
This is one reason that God made prayer the key and not some other means. Come before Him in genuine, passionate, heart-felt prayer and changes will occur—not in Him, but in us. Our understanding of who He is will change, while self-centered motives also come to light. His faithfulness makes access possible.
If we could fulfill the fervent desire of our heart by our own efforts, our relationship with the Lord would be worth little. Not the actual act of prayer, but the One we have faith in through our praying, brings fulfillment of our requests.
God is fully aware of our desires long before we ever seek Him, but He wants to align all our wants, motives and plans with His own.
God wants us to have what we greatly long for that is locked away in our heart. But He wants us to come to Him to gain access, and not try to fulfill this fervent desire by our own strength and effort or selfish ambition. Jesus said,” …your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him” (Matthew 6:8b).
God is fully aware of our desires long before we ever seek Him, but He wants to align all our wants, motives and plans with His own. This is only possible through genuine prayer and faith in Him—the real key which unlocks our heartfelt or fervent desire.
[Additional image credits: Opening image by Ray Marsh from Pixabay; Closing images (l-r) image by Ben White on Unsplash, image by topher on Freeimages.com, image by Christa and Michael Richert on Freeimages.com]