The Way to God

Which road of life are you traveling on today?

Your life’s journey will end one day, and then you will go into eternity.

Is the road you currently are on the right road that God set out for you? Or is it that other, broad road mentioned in the Bible—the one that appears so deceptively easy and inviting, but which only leads to emptiness, sorrow, and death in the end? Jesus said, “Enter ye in at the strait [narrow] gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

Girl with black hair, white shirt and blue jeans leaning over on knees while seated with serious or sad expression on her face

Will you look back with sadness and regret, realizing too late that you traveled the wrong road? Our desire is that you will decide to take the right road in life and that the end of it will bring you joy. Everything you need to see you through life’s problems and hardships God has made available to you. This is the time to decide which road you will follow from this day forward.

Rescued From Sin

You do not have to be lost, without God, for all of time and eternity. God Almighty declares in His Word (the Bible) to us, that being rescued from sin is within the reach of every person, including you. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved [from sin]” (Romans 10:13). What a mighty word “saved” is! No other word is so full of benefits and eternal rewards! No one can ever totally comprehend how wonderfully great it is to be saved from the control of sin!

When you are saved from the power of sin, it can no longer dominate you.

“I, even I [God], am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins” (Isaiah 43:25). Salvation (“being saved”) means that all your sins are blotted out and you have been rescued from the guilt of your past transgressions against God’s commandments. Maybe you have committed sins you would like to forget, but cannot. God can forgive sins, and He does forget them too. He keeps no record to hold against you of sins He has forgiven. “There is therefore now no condemnation [judgment or reproach] to them which are in Christ Jesus [saved]…” (Romans 8:1).

When you are saved from the power of sin, it can no longer dominate you. The devil’s hold on you is torn loose. Every chain of sin is broken. You are saved both from the effects of sin, and for the world to come. You are saved from the torments of hell, a place where there is eternal “…fire that never shall be quenched…” (Mark 9:43). You are saved to become a new creature in Jesus Christ.

A Child of the King

You become a child of the King (Jesus Christ), and He will record your name in the Book of Life in heaven. Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). He is busy right now making an eternal home just for you. Freedom, joy, and peace all become your inheritance in God. Crowns of righteousness, brighter than the sun, will be yours to wear. You will be able to joyfully sing the praises of God forever!

You do not need to wait—salvation is available right now. God is making you the offer to exchange the blood (death) of His son (Jesus) for your sins. He’s waiting to lift you out of the pit of sin and bondage.

It is your duty to be saved. No preacher, no church, no amount of money, no good works, nor anything else can ever save you. It is only possible through one person, Jesus Christ. “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

Salvation is Immediate

You do not need to wait—salvation is available right now. God is making you the offer to exchange the blood (death) of His son (Jesus) for your sins. He’s waiting to lift you out of the pit of sin and bondage. Cry out to Him in simple faith right now: “God be merciful to me, a sinner!” (Luke 18:13). This great salvation will then be yours this very moment! There is salvation for you.

A man with a beard standing and wearing a dark orange knit hat, a light blue hooded sweatshirt and dark blue pants with eyes closed and hands held together in prayer with trees in the background.

Admit what you know deep in your heart is really true. Something inside of you is reaching out to God, crying out for reality, for truth, for some kind of solid ground to stand on. Jesus Christ wants you just as you are—but He wants you to come to Him with a heart that is honest. God says: “…ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). Are you ready to be transparent with God? Then He is ready to meet your honest heart. Humble yourself before Him and watch a miracle take place in your life. He will give you a whole new life. Believe in Jesus and His power to save you, and you can be born into the kingdom of God.

Do you know for certain that you have personally accepted God’s gift of forgiveness for your sins—the gift which Jesus Christ purchased by bearing the judgment of a holy God when He died on the cross, to pay the price owed for your sin? If not, you should do so right now, wherever you are. Maybe it bothers you because you don’t understand it all, or you feel you don’t have enough faith. Don’t let these thoughts stop you. All you really need to understand right now is that God offers you a full pardon for your sins and new spiritual life because of the death of Jesus Christ on your behalf.

It does not matter who you are or what your background is—God loves you.

If you truly desire to receive Jesus into your life, you have enough faith to enter God’s family and change your destiny for eternity. He wants your heart to be constantly set toward pleasing Him, to have faith to trust Him to help you. Jesus said: “…I stand at the door [of your heart] and knock; if any man hear my voice and open the door [your will and desire], I will come in to him, and will sup [fellowship] with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). Jesus is the only door to heaven; there is no back door, side door, or any other door. He said, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in he shall be saved…” (John 10:9). Open that door and invite Jesus in.

Salvation Is Available for Anyone

A large red wood cross against a clouded blue sky

It does not matter who you are or what your background is—God loves you. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten [born] Son, that whosoever [whoever] believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Admit to Him that you are a sinner in need of His forgiveness. Jesus died on the cross for you, so that you can follow a new road in life—His road. Accept His offer to forgive your sins and come into your life as your Savior.

Tell Jesus today—“I commit all I am to you.” Someday this life will be over. But you can look forward to that day with joy, knowing that Jesus and heaven are waiting for you. Do not waste your life. Do not be satisfied with anything less than God’s plan.

Your Opportunity Is Now

Right now, in your own way, thank Jesus for dying for your sins and invite Him into your heart. Tell Him, “I receive you into my life as my Savior, so I can have forgiveness and never-ending life from God!”

Pray an honest prayer. Make it personal. Begin right here and now:

Dear Jesus,
I honestly do not know how much I really want to change, but I know I must. I cannot do it myself, so I turn to You. Hear the cry of my heart. I am a sinner and I need forgiveness. I am sorry for sinning against You. I admit I do not live up to Your commandments and follow your Word. I confess my sins and iniquities to You. Please forgive me. I now believe that You shed your precious blood as You died on the cross for my sins and those of the entire world. You paid the penalty for my sins there. I now place my trust in You and Your sacrifice of Yourself on my behalf. I also accept and believe that God then raised you from the dead. I welcome and accept your divine forgiveness for all my sins. I acknowledge your love and your power to keep me. Please take me as I am and do what You will with me.

Just as You overcame all temptations, I put my faith in You to give me the strength to do likewise. May I grow stronger through them all. No longer will I be guilty of dropping out of or always looking only on the dark side of things in life. I believe that You will preserve me until it is my time to meet You in heaven.

I now make it my goal to follow You every day. I commit myself to read the Bible each day and let my soul feed on it. I promise to make my daily prayers to You a place where I can unburden myself concerning my trials and tests, and a place to gain strength as I go on my knees to talk honestly to You. Until the very day You call me home to be with You in Heaven, I make it my goal to live for You, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Did you pray this prayer? Then where is Jesus right now? He promised (and He is God who cannot lie) that He will be in your heart. He also promised, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). He has come into your heart to stay. He comes to bring you new purpose, peace of mind, stability in spite of circumstances, and true fulfillment, along with eternal life!

A raised gold painted heart on a turquoise painted stone surface

If you have just given your life to God, we want to be the first to welcome you into His family! Visit our contact page if you would like, and tell us what you just did. We would love to hear from you and want to rejoice with you. Nothing could bring God or us more joy. And nothing will ever bring you more joy, more peace, more contentment than being part of the family of God!
