The devil tempted the first man by trying to convince Adam that God is not the final authority over each individual. He also tried to get him to believe that man is his own god, the very core position of individuality. When Adam fell for these temptations, he also fell from his position with God….
Category: Yielding to God
Are Pieces Missing Unknowingly in Your Life?
Have you ever felt like your life is one big puzzle—like you were born as a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle—and each year, thousands more pieces have been added, but now with some pieces missing? Even though your parents might have assembled some of this puzzle for you as you were growing up, does it seem like…
Our Best Ambitions Are as Useless as Wet Sand
Have you ever thought about the fact that our own ambitions we do for God are much like building fine castles with handfuls of wet sand? They ultimately prove to be futile, without any lasting merit. It doesn’t matter how much work we do on our own to try to make ourselves right before God….
If Sin & Surrender Are a Game — We Fail
Many people throughout the world have a game-playing mentality that they apply into real life, long after childhood ends. To them, Heaven becomes just a goal they are trying to win, and Jesus Christ becomes merely the means of obtaining their goal. Sin and surrender become forbidden terms. They feel that when they “get saved,”…
Be God’s Tool and Unlock His Work in Your Life
When was the last time you used a tool? If you are like many individuals, you would probably say it was when you repaired _______ [fill in the blank] with a screwdriver, hammer, wrench, saw, etc. a few days, or weeks, or even months ago. Yet many do not realize that they actually use tools…