We Can Sleep in Peace With God — a Surefire Tranquilizer

Stress, anxiety, tension, uncertainty, pressures, hassles, revenge, lawsuits, bankruptcy, crime, assault, disease, accidents, anger, tragedy, violence, suffering—the list goes on and on. At various times, there will be upsets in our life that will leave us sleepless. It might be a major ordeal or maybe just a minor event. Whether we’re young or old, married…

Absolute Emptiness No One Talks Of

We all know the old saying that “money can’t buy happiness.” Although a few may find some happiness through money, no amount of money in the world can buy or bring anyone complete satisfaction. Ask King Solomon—in his time he was (and would still be considered) the richest person in the world. Some have calculated…

When We Trust in Jesus Our Anchor is Secure

Our journey through life often resembles a turbulent sea voyage, where storms of adversity threaten us. In these moments of turmoil, our faith is tested, and we must choose where to place our trust. Just as a skilled captain relies on his experience and instincts to navigate treacherous waters, we too can find guidance and…