Christ or the World?

How difficult it is today to tell the difference between the lives of the people in God’s Church and those outside of it! Each day it becomes clearer that the modern Church has been mostly taken over by worldliness. Many congregations build multi-building complexes to carry out their own worship, yet care very little about…

Loving This Present World

“For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia” (2 Timothy 4:10 emphasis added). Demas quite possibly did not want all the trials that would come from association with Paul’s criminal status. He preferred to return either to Judaism or to a life…

God’s Voice is Calling — Don’t Fight It

Have you ever walked down a path leading into a forest in the quiet of the day? Maybe you’ve strolled down a weather-beaten brick walkway leading into a beautiful garden, where the rich freshness of beautiful flowers blossoming surround and overpower you. At times like these, have you ever felt like God’s voice is calling…