A Strategy for a Real and True Life

God loves us and extends an invitation to us to have real and true life with Him. He sees our life and He sees our heart, and He will always provide a way to take His Word to the heart of anyone seeking an answer. Knowing and believing His Word is so important that it can mean the difference between life and death for us. We need to know that we can have all that God says we can—including His hand on our life, along with His blessings of love, power and meaningfulness.

All who want to live it properly for God must have a foundation that cannot be shaken. We need one so completely solid that, no matter what circumstances come our way, we will not be moved.

Jesus Christ Must be the Foundation of Our Life

Who or what has become the bedrock of our life? All who want to live it properly for God must have a foundation that cannot be shaken. We need one so completely solid that, no matter what circumstances come our way, we will not be moved. Are we building on the true rock-solid foundation of Jesus Christ? He is the only foundation that will keep us standing strong as we go through this life. If we commit our life to Him and live according to His ways, Satan will never be able to destroy us.

An open Bible laying flat on a table in low light with a red colored pencil resting on one half and several other colored pencils nearby
Photo by John-Mark Smith on Pexels

God’s Word is Where Solutions Are Found

Having confidence in what the Bible says is all we need to face life’s hardships. We absolutely must get into God’s Book—there’s no other place to get the solution we need except in the Word of God. If we need assistance, correction, or knowledge, this is where we’ll find it. Whatever the area of need, it will meet us there. But our answer will not come by simply memorizing a stack of scripture verses, because we need it all!

Knowing Christ as our Savior is what life is all about. We were made to find true life in Him.

Do we really want to get something done? Then we should pray before we start, as we go along, and when we find ourself between a rock and a hard place. We need to pray about everything and to follow the good example of those of the past who held onto faith in God during hard times.

Prayer and Seeking God is Essential for a True Life

Knowing Christ as our Savior is what life is all about. We were made to find true life in Him. It doesn’t matter whether we face a situation that is bleak or one that is promising—He will be with us through everything. Jesus doesn’t reach out to touch or possess us for a short time, but for a lifetime. No matter what may come our way, He will make it work for good—once we give our life to Him. We need to seek God about every area of life and to make communion with Him our prime goal.

A older caucasian man wearing a black jacket and blue t-shirt seated with his left hand pressed against the side of his face in a sad, disturbed expression
Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Are you in the midst of an agonizing season of life? Do you think you will be left on your own to face your difficult situation? No matter what your problem is in this natural life, there is nothing that is too hard for God! You need to realize that the power of the King of kings is on your side.

Hold Tight to Christ in Life’s Difficulties

Life is going to get harder, and when it does, remember the day and place you said ‘yes’ to Christ. You are not asked to live as a Christian on your own, it’s Christ who lives it through you. He doesn’t come in and out of your life during your struggles. You need to hold on tight—the Lord is not finished with you yet! All along, God has been storing up blessings for you beyond anything you’ve ever dreamed of! He wants to bless your life!

…there is no sin that would make God give up on you. You need to realize that the only One who truly needs to be pleased with your life is God.

True Life Begins When We Die to Sin Daily at the Cross

God wants every believer to have a controlling power in his or her life—a real authority to reign over sin. His will is for you to live a holy life, so that no sin exercises absolute control over you. When you first kneel at the cross, what you hear won’t be an easy, soft word. Even though the cross is the only door to true life, God will speak to you there about death to every sin. But there is no sin that would make God give up on you. You need to realize that the only One who truly needs to be pleased with your life is God.

A cross on a mountainside overlooking a river and other mountains in the distance with a yellow sun setting in the background under a blue partly cloudy sky symbolic of a true life in Christ.
Photo by Hugo Fergusson on Unsplash

If you are in a heavy-hearted, weighed down, worn-out condition, the Holy Spirit wants to tell you: “There is a place of victory, of joy and peace and a new life for you. Respond to God’s call to come to Him and find rest.” How do you get Jesus’ victory and power in your own life? How do you appropriate His resurrection and newness of life? Go to the cross! If you have embraced the cross, then you are crucified with Christ, and resurrected with Him into new life for all eternity!

A Close Relationship With Christ is Necessary

For Christians, life is a journey in a close relationship with Jesus, where we invite His Word in to provide everything we need. We all hope that at the end of our journey we’ll find a full life and contentment. And we get hope right there in God’s Word. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end” (Jeremiah 29:11).

As we continue this journey, we’ll find that the truth we are looking for comes from Jesus alone. We will realize that living by His Word is the best route to take in life. And if we make it our guidebook throughout our life, we won’t be disappointed. We will be blessed if we stay in His Word.

Ask Him to take hold of your life for His purpose, and to show you what He would have you to do.

It All Begins When We Invite Jesus into Our Hearts

Here is your invitation to do more than just making a decision for God—to make your walk on earth a real and true life in Him. Then your life and Christian walk will have a truly meaningful purpose, because God has something specific in mind just for you! Ask Him to take hold of your life for His purpose, and to show you what He would have you to do. Then He can be able to make your Christian walk truly rewarding.

Do you not have Jesus Christ in your heart? Do you want to be free from the burdens and cares of this life? Has the stress and uncertainty of this world brought you down and left you unable to get back up? Then take a look at our section on the way to God and find out how you, too, can have a true life that is satisfying and worthwhile.

[Image credits: Featured image (when available)by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels; Opening image by Luis Quintero on Pexels]