The Solid Truth of God Will Keep Us

Whenever God’s Word has been put to the test, it has been found every time to be as true as the purest gold and worthy of our trust. It is the solid truth of God alone that protects us from evil and sets us free. But when experience by itself dominates our life instead, the truth of God is lost. If we try to isolate one or two Bible verses to base our understanding of the truth of God’s Word on, we won’t be able to properly learn or understand Bible truth.
The Bible is the Standard for All That We Encounter
We can only understand when we take the Bible as a whole. It is important to test our position by God’s Word, along with the teaching we pay attention to, and the practices that we seem to approve of by our presence where they take place. The best way to face the difficult times coming soon is as “…a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).
Jesus was “full of grace and truth.” Man’s rejection of Him was the evidence that nothing in the natural man will respond to grace or be drawn to the truth of God. But those who reject the truth only succeed in condemning themselves.
Satan Wants to Keep Us From Realizing That We’ve Rejected Christ
The god and prince of this world is still Satan. At this time, one of his objectives seems to be the destruction of every trace of the fact that Christ is rejected, or to at least rob it of all of its deep significance. The lasting proof of the real condition of the world, and that the world has rejected Christ, is the Holy Spirit’s presence here.
Jesus was “full of grace and truth.” Man’s rejection of Him was the evidence that nothing in the natural man will respond to grace or be drawn to the truth of God. But those who reject the truth only succeed in condemning themselves. We need to ask ourselves if it is appropriate for the ones who follow this Man, who was so despised and rejected, to attempt to make a big show of themselves in this same world where He was crucified.

It Better to Hear the Painful Truth Than A Pleasant Lie
The Spirit of God will always speak to those who are afflicted by sin, and will encourage them to trust in Him. He is prepared to show them the way to be victorious. It’s better for Him to tell us the truth that hurts, and then cures, than to believe a lie that will make us feel better—before it destroys us.
The Truth of God Is Today is Very Diluted and Misunderstood
The teachings preached about the Bible today are usually not clearly defined, grasped or understood. They rely on reason as the basis of religious truth concerning the inspiration of God’s Word, and not on His Spirit. This type of preaching is becoming more widespread all the time. The result is that all the truths which stand or fall by the authority of God’s Word have been made weak or haven’t been accepted today.
Modern Churches Want Quantity Over Quality
Preachers who want to attract a lot of people are told that they must speak on subjects the public is interested in. This means that the Church is forced to lower its standards to the world’s level to achieve its acceptance. But we need to ask what the condition is spiritually of a Christian who would suggest or believe such things. We should not, and must not, excuse false teaching just because the one who believes it is sincere. Holding the truth about Jesus and God’s Word is not enough—the truth of God must hold us!
The fight for the souls of men is between the truth of God and the lie of Satan, and we cannot believe both the Truth and the lie. It’s what we believe is really the truth that’s important, not how smart we are.
Those That Are Corrupting the Truth of God Are Helping Its Further Corruption
Those who continue to connect with the ones corrupting or denying the truth are silently lending their approval to what they teach or believe, while failing to remain a witness to the truth themselves. Continuing to connect with such dishonorable vessels gives others the impression that the truth and claims of God don’t have much of a grip on our heart and conscience. The fight for the souls of men is between the truth of God and the lie of Satan, and we cannot believe both the Truth and the lie. It’s what we believe is really the truth that’s important, not how smart we are.
Division by Truth or Unity in Falsehood
How much better it is for us to be divided by truth than to be united in falsehood! In the days soon to come, those who claim to be the Church may float along into open defection from God’s Word. Worldliness may rush in like an overflowing tide. Straying from the right course may become abundantly widespread. Nevertheless, there is a sure foundation that still abides.
We Must be Prepared With the Truth of God
“Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness…” (Ephesians 6:14). The only way we can be prepared for the coming difficult days is by asking God to prepare us in His way for the day when the golden calf of each nation comes down. “…they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands” (Acts 7:41).
Many Are Seeking A Spirit Rather Than THE Spirit of Truth
Today there are many pastors and evangelists who don’t have any desire to seek God’s Spirit of truth. They believe that they can call on the Holy Spirit to come down and drive all the powers of hell away whenever they want. But, when dark times come, they will find their people and themselves totally unprepared!

We Must Know God’s Voice and the Truth of God
It’s so important that we learn to recognize God’s voice over all the worldly tumult happening in His Church today. Biblical Christians believe that the Word of God is truth—and the truth is, that God cares for us. After all, in the end, the truth of God is the only thing that will triumph. This is what will prepare us to face the coming storm.
We may blunder through all of this at times because of our misunderstanding and unbelief. But we can still hold onto the fact that success will be ours in the end, if we will continue to cry out, “Lord, it is You alone I will trust until victory comes!” The ones who will end up going to heaven one day will be those who hold to this one truth alone: Christ died for us, and we trust in Him.
[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by PDPics from Pixabay; Opening photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels]