Simplicity in a Relationship with Christ

There is only one truly simple thing, and that is a soul’s relationship to Christ. A person is made simple by being restored once he gives his life to Jesus Christ. And this will always show in how he acts. That’s why the Apostle Paul said, “I fear, lest by any means…your minds should be corrupted…

Lies, Truth and Religious Deception

The principal sign that the coming of Christ is near will be religious deception by those claiming to be Christian leaders. Jesus warned that in the days right before His return, we should expect an epidemic of deception [lit. “sweet urgings”], when “…evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2…

The Solid Truth of God Will Keep Us

Whenever God’s Word has been put to the test, it has been found every time to be as true as the purest gold and worthy of our trust. It is the solid truth of God alone that protects us from evil and sets us free. But when experience by itself dominates our life instead, the…

Be Not Deceived

We live in a world today that is full of deceivers. The only way we can avoid being misled by them is by paying attention to the advice of Christ. He stated in advance what signs will arrive before His coming. The first would be an increase in false prophets and false Christs. “…He said,…

A Jesus + the Wrong Gold = a Fool’s Gold

There will always be individuals who prey on the ignorance of others by endeavoring to sell pyrite as real gold. Pyrite is a mineral of iron sulfide with a metallic appearance of pale yellow and brass. It is often found among other rocks and sulfides, such as slate, quartz, coal or limestone. Because of its…

Death in the Stew

Our bodies may be tough and able to fend off many kinds of impurities and diseases, yet sometimes, the simplest thing can make us seriously ill. As an example, look in the Old Testament at an incident that occurred about a thousand years before Jesus was born. “And Elisha came again to Gilgal: and there…

It’s Essential to Know What God Means Over What We’re Told

When someone becomes a believer in Christ, it means that he or she has committed to learning to look at everything Christ’s way. But we are not to just accept what some people say that He taught or that they think it is what God means. A lot of difficulty and trouble has been caused…

Devil, Deception and the Masquerade

“Hey, Mitch, you devil, what are you wearing for the masquerade?” a voice yelled out from one cubicle. “Mitch, is the bell going to toll this year?” said another voice bursting out of one of the offices, followed by uproarious laughter. Mitchell began to hurry as he walked to the city planner’s office. He had…

A Little-Known Byproduct of IP Theft

Intellectual property theft (IP theft) is a serious and difficult crime to combat that has been increasing steadily for several decades. Intellectual property basically consists of ownership of an intellectual creation, i.e., something that a person comes up from his own mind. It can include, but is not limited to: formulas, logos, books, movies, software,…

A Lie in Disguise or Truth Unclothed?

We live our life as a façade. We have pretty curtains on the windows with a nice welcome mat on the front step, and at the same time, we surround everything with a massive wrought iron fence. Our doors are padlocked and dead-bolted, but the painted stucco covering the walls is magnificent. The front yard…