In the Heart or Just Floating on Water?

For centuries, the Bible has been the best-selling book out of all literature. It can be found in print, electronic, spoken, and visual formats. It can be pocket-sized, or so large that it requires both hands to pick it up. Both Old and New Testaments combined have been translated into over five hundred and fifty…

Breadcrumbs or Sawdust?

“What are you doing?” “Feeding the ducks.” “Hey, I thought ducks ate crumbled bread. That looks like sawdust.” “It is! I figured it’s much cheaper and they don’t really know the difference.” “But ducks don’t benefit from eating sawdust.” “I know that, but they’re just a bunch of wild ducks, not pets. Look, some are…

God’s Word, the Blueprint for a Dynamic Life

Are you aware that God has a blueprint for each of us? His blueprint is the Bible (or “God’s Word”). Its pages contain the instructions for life, your life. It tells us where we came from and what our future will ultimately be. It gives us wisdom and guidance as well. Of course, it is…