Remembrance of the Gift of Life

A graphical image of a man in a light emerald green hooded sweat shirt looking down while hidden in hood with a clouded sky, a partially lit hill, and tree in the background

Why is it important to bring back to our remembrance the gift of life today? The answer has always been available, but the reality is that humanity has somehow misplaced it. We have hidden it behind our own desires that accompany our everyday lifestyle, which only hinders our spiritual walk with God. What happened to cause this damaged relationship with God in our lives, so that we now have to hide behind our desires of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life? And why do these desires affect our natural existence in this world so much? What is the reason that they compete with our spiritual walk with God, as we hear the echo of His voice calling for all humanity to come back and walk with Him today? 

Today, it’s not God who is hiding or removing Himself, but man who is removing himself from the presence of God.

The true, divine, spiritual presence of God is calling to our conscience, asking “Where are you?” Where are those walks we used to have with Him when we had an exceptional, eternal relationship together in our everyday life? Were they similar to the walk our first parents had in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve “heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day…” (Genesis 3:8)? Today, it’s not God who is hiding or removing Himself, but man who is removing himself from the presence of God. “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear: but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear” (Isaiah 59:1-2).

The first man and woman hid themselves from the presence of God. And this is where we find the beginning of it all, because of man’s first disobedient act of sin toward God and His Word. This only brought the Fall of man, resulting in the marring and loss of God’s image in him. This doesn’t mean that man lost his conscience, or that the powers of his soul had been lost. It means that, by his own disobedience, man forfeited the innocence he originally had when he was created, along with his moral integrity. Therefore, man now totally has no hope and is not able to save himself—unless he responds to an act of God’s grace to renew the divine image he once had. It isn’t that God didn’t know this, but that He wanted man to recognize and admit it. Why is it that people yield to the seduction of sin with its wages of death, once they learn that “…the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23)? 

The words of our mouth can pronounce God’s power and blessing, and they can cause a major change in people’s lives. But our words can also cut down and ruin people’s lives.

We can choose to submit our body to be used as a tool in the hands of God for His glory. Or we can decide to submit our body to fulfill our own desires, and then be governed by them. God doesn’t want us to yield our body as a tool for what is unrighteous. He wants us to give it to Him instead, so that He’ll be able to use it for His own glory. The words of our mouth can pronounce God’s power and blessing, and they can cause a major change in people’s lives. But our words can also cut down and ruin people’s lives. Satan can use our body to fill it with fear and hatred, or it can be used by God to fill it with His love. We should only surrender our bodies to be used as tools of righteousness unto God. 

How do we explain this setback concerning the real importance of our remembrance of the gift of life? Is it because our own pride of life is stopping us from recognizing how sinful our human nature really is, and from confessing it to our Creator-God—the One whose divine presence gave us life in an eternal covenant relationship? When man is ready to deal with his soul and his sin, the breath of life by the Holy Spirit will then be able to restore the original nature to him that God intended for the spirit, soul, and body of man to have.

A silhouette of a man standing near a tree in a forest with orange sunbeams streaming down around him
Photo by Dewang Gupta from Unsplash

Listen–do you hear God’s voice calling to you right now, saying, “Where are you?” Where is that walk you once had in your eternal relationship with Him in the garden of your everyday life? He is waiting with His arms outstretched right now to hear from you.

[Image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by Sabine van Straaten from Unsplash; Opening Photo from un-perfekt by Pixabay]