The Way to God – Some Promising Steps

All roads lead to the same God, the world tells us. But the truth is that there’s only one road, only one right path leading to the one, true God. How can we know what path to take to get there? “Ask for the old paths,” the Bible says. The “old path” is the blood of God’s Son shed on the Cross at Calvary. Jesus Christ is the One who laid out the path we’re to follow. Following the path of His shed blood is the only way to God. There’s no other path to God except through Christ and the Cross—all other paths only lead to Hell.
We Must Stay on the Path of Faith in God
But, without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can’t correctly determine which path to take. If we’ll just look unto Him, He’ll put us on the right path and set us straight. But if we leave the path of faith in God, there’s no way to tell what path we’ll find ourself on.
We must come to God His way, not our way–we can’t follow both. If we’ll come God’s way, He’ll lead us all the way home. Then He’ll get all the glory, instead of us.
On Every Step of the Way to God, Jesus is There
It doesn’t make any difference what wrong or evil we might come across on the way, because Jesus already gave us this promise—”I will never leave thee…” (Hebrews 13:5). He’s always right there next to those who become His children. He’s on our side, leading us on every step of the way to God. He said, “Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:14).
Come to God His Way
But He will help us find it and bring us through—if we don’t give up. We must come to God His way, not our way—we can’t follow both. If we’ll come God’s way, He’ll lead us all the way home. Then He’ll get all the glory, instead of us.
Fate and chance don’t rule over the child of God, because God is right here beside us, on our side, leading us every step of the way. But He doesn’t always show us His way for a long distance ahead. He’s more likely to lead us just one step at a time—the same way we lead children.
The way of man leads to being damned eternally, but the way of God leads to eternal glory. Will we continually take the way Jesus took?
God Must Put Our Steps in Order
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in His way” (Psalm 37:24). “Good” here actually means a man who is mighty, who exerts power over others by his skill or physical strength, or by his position, wealth or office. But even a man like this needs to depend on the Lord to put his steps in order. Whatever steps he takes in life in relation to both natural and spiritual things are directed by the Lord, Who watches over every footstep His children make. And He’ll persuade them to take the steps and use the methods that will make them prosper and succeed.
The Way to God is Through Christ and the Cross
Jesus declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…” (John 14:6). By this we know that the only way to God is through Christ. He is the way, not a way—the way that goes through Gethsemane to the Cross. It has always been a narrow way, but we have not been aware of it. The way of man leads to being damned eternally, but the way of God leads to eternal glory. Will we continually take the way Jesus took?

We Must Yield Our Self-will
How can the ones who belong to God find His plan and take His path? By yielding to Him completely. But even if we continue to insist on following our own self-will and direction, He will still oversee our steps. And whenever any child of God steps outside of the right path, the Lord will provide His grace and mercy for him to find the way back. We therefore know that, no matter what circumstances we may find ourselves in, we’re able to rest in His will.
“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5), meaning everything pertaining to the way we live, and whatever is a consequence of it.
Commit All of Our Way to God
Therefore, the wisest thing for the child of God to do is to commit his way to Him continuously and let Him bring what is best to pass. “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5), meaning everything pertaining to the way we live, and whatever is a consequence of it. This includes all our cares, our desires and our needs, along with all of the affairs and business of our life.
But we shouldn’t simply sit still, not doing anything, leaving everything for the Lord to do. All of our needs and concerns need to be given to Him in zealous prayer instead. The child of God should seek His direction concerning everything he’s involved in, and ask for strength and assistance to perform it and go on in it. Then he can depend on the Lord to have success.

And how glorious our life will be if we will allow the Lord to order the steps of our path! Then we’ll certainly take delight in our way. The way to God is the Cross, and when we’ve reached the end of the path and find Him—then our soul will find rest.
[Additional image credits: Featured image (cropped by author) (when applicable) by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash; Opening photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash]