Release God’s Power and Find True Help from Trouble

If we are believers in God, then we’ll certainly meet difficulties in our life that we don’t know how to handle. What can we do about them? Looking to man to help us will serve no purpose, because our real source of help comes from God alone. “Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man” (Psalm 60:11). While this primarily refers to earthly troubles, it also has to do with our salvation.
How many of us are always plotting and conspiring and trying to figure out just one more angle to make things work!
Our Trust is in Ourselves Alone
There are a multitude of troubles a lot of people are facing today that could overwhelm them. Many of us have already done all we can ourselves, but, more often than not, we put too much trust in ourselves alone. How many of us are always plotting and conspiring and trying to figure out just one more angle to make things work! Yet anything we do on our own will prove to be useless in the end and will not be of any real help from trouble.
Look to God for Help From Trouble
Instead of looking to man or ourselves, we should be looking to God. He’s the One we can call on anytime we’re in need of help. We ought to cry out to God and ask Him to work on our behalf. We should tell Him that we need to be delivered from our troubles—He won’t turn us aside. Let the Lord take over the situation completely.

Yield Our Problems to the Lord and Trust Him
We need to simply yield all the issues of our life to the Lord and then trust Him totally with them. “…the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him” (Psalm 37:40). But when God is at work on our behalf, we shouldn’t quit what we were doing and simply fold our arms and watch. Since we’re now in His army, we need to take a bold stand ourselves. He has helped us in the past, so we should already be aware that He’ll be willing to give help from trouble again in the future.
Everything we manage to do well is actually done by His divine power or influence, because all power goes forth from Him.
Once we finally turn all of our life’s problems over to the Lord, and then put our total trust in Him to take care of them, how glorious it will be! If we’ll let God come to our rescue, then “through God we shall do valiantly: for He it is that shall tread down our enemies” (Psalm 60:12). Everything we manage to do well is actually done by His divine power or influence, because all power goes forth from Him.

Call Out to the Lord, He Will Give you Help From Trouble
If you’re burdened with problems right now, there’s someone both willing and able to help you. This is your time to call out to the Lord! He can provide you with the courage and strength of purpose you need. He’ll give you help from trouble and relief during all of your anxiety. Then you’ll be able to stand back and see just how He brought you out of them.
We don’t need to drop back or be fearful for even a moment, because the kingdom is His.
We Do Not Have to be Overcome by Fear
The Lord is Almighty! We therefore have no need to be overcome by fear, or to be terrified of our enemies. The One Who’s with us is all powerful! He’ll hold us up. “I shall call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies” (Psalm 18:3). We don’t need to drop back or be fearful for even a moment, because the kingdom is His. And one day, He’ll rule over all nations, which will take place after “…the transgressors shall be destroyed together: [and] the end of the wicked shall be cut off” (Psalm 37:38). Ultimately, all honor will be given to Him.

If we’ll just cry unto the Lord with all of our heart in our problems and troubles, He’ll bring us out. He’s our refuge, and He has our answer in every situation of genuine trouble. Once we cry unto Him, we can watch and see how He’ll bring us through. In the midst of our trouble, He’ll speak to us and tell us what to do.
Pray to the Lord Rather Than Trust in This World
Let’s ask the Lord to intervene and deliver us from all our troubles. The help of man won’t be of any benefit in the end. Therefore, instead of putting our full trust in man, let’s pray to the Lord with more confidence than we’ve ever had before! Whenever we are worried or disturbed, He’s the only One Who can provide help from trouble and bring us peace.
[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by Roman Melnychuk on Unsplash; Opening photo by Waldemar on Unsplash]