God Will Be With Us in Our Trouble

The rock of Gibraltar

Trouble and affliction will happen in our life if we’re a believer in God, but they don’t come in order to harm us. During periods of severe difficulty, the people of God frequently become aware of a special divine presence. The Lord knows when His people are in severe difficulty, and He’ll come and give His gracious presence to us in our pain and distress.

God will be with us; He’ll hold us up during our trial so that the situation won’t totally overwhelm us. And in the end, He’ll make all things work together for their good. Difficulties and afflictions are meant for the benefit of the believer, even if they must bring grief instead of joy at the time.

When the right moment comes, the believer’s conflict will end, and he’ll be finished with trouble and temptation forever. He’ll live long enough to complete the work he was sent into this world to do.

God Will Be With Us for the Work We’re Sent to Do

Those who know God in the right way set their love upon Him and call upon Him all the time by praying. He has promised us that, in due time, He’ll deliver us out of trouble. But, more importantly, is the promise that God will be with us in trouble. The Lord will manage all of our worldly concerns, and will sustain our life on earth for long as it’s to His benefit. When the right moment comes, our conflict will end, and we’ll be finished with trouble and temptation forever. We’ll live long enough to complete the work we were sent into this world to do.

“Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him My salvation.”

Psalm 91:14-16

He Knows Our Name and Loves Us

“Because He hath known my name….” The Lord loves His people and understands their true character. The ones who love and trust in Him are those who truly know Him. They lift Him up, and He, in turn, lifts them up and sets them on high. Those who have a distinguishing mark of love set upon them by the Lord will be safeguarded from physical or mental damage.

“Therefore will I deliver him…” The Lord will rescue the believer from hardship, danger and difficulty.

rock of Gibraltar. Signifying how God will be with us in trouble
Image by Les Bohlen from Pixabay

God Will Be With Us and Set Us on a High Place

“I will set him on high…” in a safe place where evil can’t reach him. The Lord will set us on the Rock, which is Jesus Christ. He’s greater than the angels, the heavens, and all believers. God will also set the believer high in heaven. Then he’ll be out of the reach of every one of his enemies. There He’ll find himself in the midst of those who will inherit the very throne of glory.

When God’s people are subject to trials and distress, the Lord will always be nearby with to help them by His power and compassion.

“I will be with him in trouble,” literally means “I am with him in trouble.” The moment trouble comes, God will be with us. Being in trouble then turns to his advantage, because he has a supporting partner. When God’s people are subject to trials and distress, the Lord will always be nearby with to help them by His power and compassion. He’ll never be closer to the believer than He is during those trying times.

He Does Not Exempt Us From Trouble

Yet God does not exempt a believer from encountering trouble, like false Christianity claims He will. He never made a promise like that. But He did promise, “I will be with him in trouble” (Psalm 91:15). Anytime trouble comes, He’ll stand by the believer and won’t abandon him. The most extreme type of troubles may grab hold of a believer’s life, but it doesn’t make any difference how simple or extreme they may be—none of them will be able to touch the primary stronghold of his relationship to God in Christ.

He Will Honor Us

The Lord did not only say, “I will deliver him,…” but He also said, “I will…honor him.” Anytime a believer honors God, He’ll honor that person in return. Believers aren’t delivered or sustained in a way which makes them feel inferior and disgraced. God gives them His grace to overcome instead, and then He rewards them for doing it! He may allow a believer to be tested and tried for a while for that person’s own benefit, but, in the end, he’ll be delivered. And the Lord honors the ones He delivers by giving them His salvation.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

He Will Bring Us Into His Family

God will honor all the saints who know and love Him. He’ll bring them into His family and give them a name that’s better than that of the children of the greatest king. He’ll also dress them in the righteousness of His Son and beautify them with the graces of His Holy Spirit. He’ll provide them with an opportunity for communion and fellowship with Him. And, ultimately, He’ll bring them to His kingdom.

The believer will be heaped with the honor that comes from God. He’ll show how highly He values the one who believes in Him by recognizing him as His friend and treating him that way.

“I will glorify him.” The Lord will not only rescue the believer from danger, but He’ll also exalt him to honor among those who have become His own. The believer will be heaped with the honor that comes from God. He’ll show how highly He values the one who believes in Him by recognizing him as His friend and treating him that way. God’s people will be exalted to honor, and, in addition to all of this, those who believe in Him will also become the associates of the multitudes of holy ones forevermore! The Lord then closes this by saying, “With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him My salvation” (Psalm 91:16).

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Whenever a believer in God has been cast down by trouble, he’ll often seems to obtain new life and vigor to continue on in order to serve his Lord better than he ever did before! God has provided His people with His peace, and has manifested His love and care for them, along with free access to His throne. He gives them enough to handle every kind of trouble or trial they may face. God will be with His people in time of trouble, always.

[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels; Opening image by Brian James on Pexels]