God Will Be With Us in Our Trouble

Trouble and affliction will happen in our life if we’re a believer in God, but they don’t come in order to harm us. During periods of severe difficulty, the people of God frequently become aware of a special divine presence. The Lord knows when His people are in severe difficulty, and He’ll come and give…

The Storm Before the Calm

The setting evening sun created a soft, orange glow along the silhouette of a cloud formation on the horizon. In the far distance, stormy darkened skies began to appear in the port anchorage area of the lengthy, shallow shoreline. A well-secured fleet of weather-beaten fishing vessels rested on their mooring lines. But one anchorage spot…

When Suffering is an Advantage to Us

When it comes to suffering, the Bible tells us of our need to be made pure. When people endure injustice, most will readily defend themselves. Yet when Christ suffered injustice, He submitted Himself to God and said, “Plead Thou My cause and deliver Me” (Psalm 119:154). Christ suffered as Man with His people, which He couldn’t…

In Difficult Situations God Is Always Superior

God chooses to put His children into difficult situations of great magnitude sometimes, which seem to lead us to a position of no escape. If He asked us in advance what we think of being subjected to them, it would never be our choice to be in such circumstances. What about you? Are you in…

The Perfect Work of Patience

“…the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, [lacking] nothing…” (James 1:3-4), meaning that everything is now complete. Our patience needs an opportunity to be tried to the limit in order to carry out its perfect work. We should want to be faithful to what we…

We Need Giants in Our Life – Part Three

We have seen, in our last two articles (We Need Giants in Our Life – Part One – (The Period of Training) and We Need Giants in Our Life – Part Two (The Period of Testing)), the necessity of giants in our lives, and how just one colossal representative of the enemy could plant significant…

We Need Giants in Our Life – Part One

A narrative recorded thousands of years ago speaks of one small nation pitted against another even greater one. But what makes this rivalry different from others is that one of the armies had the advantage of an abnormally tall and mighty warrior. The smaller nation constantly felt powerless whenever this giant along with all of…

Hope in the Furnace of Affliction

The Israelites were put under the rule of the Egyptian taskmasters because God wanted them to see how much they needed His help. It was His hope that they would remember how He had delivered them before from the plagues of Egypt, and from the furnace of affliction when they were forced to make bricks…

“God Is For Me”

How often do we go through our walk with the Lord, thinking that there is no place where we feel like our enemies would not gladly engulf us? It seems as if every time we turn around, a new hurdle, hindrance, or attack comes against us. In some instances, even what we say is twisted…

Don’t Give Up if Traveling On Is Bad

There was a man in the Old Testament named Job (rhymes with globe) who was in right standing in God’s eyes. Yet he went through suffering and an extremely great loss to the point that he wished he was never born. Even his wife told him to curse God and end his life or simply,…