God Is Worthy of Our Faith and Praise

We have a Creator Who cares for us. He is always intently involved in His aim of improving our worth to Him. He directs everything by His godly attention and inherent knowledge of the way we should follow—whether we can see it or we can’t, or if it’s full of life, or if it’s good or evil—toward a purpose that’s worthy. Worship means to give worth to someone, to have respect for who and what is worthy, and, in this case, to acknowledge that God is worthy to be worshipped. Those who worship without seeing the Lord’s worth will never realize just how unworthy they really are themselves.

Many people cling firmly to a manmade sense of unworthiness due to their own false opinion of themselves, which inhibits the work of God.

God Implants a Sense of Man’s Unworthiness

When God’s Spirit comes into a person, He implants a sense of man’s unworthiness as the first thing He does. Many people cling firmly to a manmade sense of unworthiness due to their own false opinion of themselves, which inhibits God’s work. But true unworthiness has no conscious interest in self. How many of us continue to believe that we’re useless, ignorant, worthless, or just plain too old to be worthy? We need to be willing to completely give up the sense of our own worthiness or unworthiness in order to leave behind all of our own thought patterns, so we can allow the Lord to carry out just what He wants to in and through our lives.

Photo by Francisco Gonzalez on Unsplash

Too many people have listened to the lies of Satan concerning their walk with God. Satan tells us we’re no good, not worthy, of no use to God. Again and again, he’ll remind us of our weaknesses and helplessness, that we’re a total failure, that we’ll never be able to meet God’s standard. This kind of talk only comes from the pits of hell, from the devil himself.

Satan Falsely Implants His Own Sense of Unworthiness  

If every child of God listened to the devil’s accusations, we’d all be lied out of God’s blessings, and He would never receive all the praise He rightfully deserves. Yet many who believe in God have been wrongly convinced that they can never be worthy in His sight. They allow Satan to rob them of precious life by believing his lies about how God sees them. We need to understand that, in our flesh, we’re all unworthy—we will never be worthy of God on our own.

Christ is the pearl of great price Who’s worth everything. He’s worth more than anyone or anything else by far, because He’s the Lamb Who was slain on the Cross to redeem us to God.

Jesus Made It Possible for Us to be Worthy

Jesus Christ is the only person who successfully overcame the world, the flesh and the devil, making Him worthy of all praise and honor by man. He has never lied, because He’s the only person who has been totally trustworthy and truthful. Christ is the pearl of great price Who’s worth everything. He’s worth more than anyone or anything else by far, because He’s the Lamb Who was slain on the Cross to redeem us to God.

“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing“ (Revelation 5:12). What He has done has made it possible for us to be worthy and qualified to stand before Him and boldly serve Him in righteousness. All of this declares that, to God, one soul is worth more than all the world, more than anything else.

Man in auditorium with eye closed and hands raised in the air in worship and praise demonstrating that God is worthy of our praise
Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels

God Is Worthy of Praise

Whenever God’s Word has been tested, it’s always been found to be as trustworthy and true as pure gold. It declares that God is worthy of praise forever. Praise refers to an act of faith here because we’re praising someone we can’t see. God wants us to praise Him no matter what happens! But, compared to Him, we aren’t worthy of anything within ourselves. Even the best of us can’t measure up to God’s requirements. The only one way we can measure up is by having faith in what Christ did for us at the Cross.

We Can’t Make Ourselves Worthy Enough Without Christ

Do you believe you’re unworthy, that you can’t worship God until you make everything perfect? When Christ was sacrificed on the Cross, you were already made worthy, because He as God is worthy! You therefore have every right to consider yourself worthy to worship and serve the Lord.

When we make our lives dependent on faith in Christ and His death on the Cross that was totally sufficient to save us, He alone makes us worthy.

God Is Worthy of Our Faith and Trust That is Solely in Him

Faith declares that God is worthy always and greatly to be praised. God is worthy of our faith and trust that’s only in Him and His finished work on the Cross—which is the only way we can be made worthy. Therefore, we should be praising Him continually. When we make our lives dependent on faith in Christ and His death on the Cross that was totally sufficient to save us, He alone makes us worthy.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

God is Worthy of Great Faith That Has Been Tried

God is worthy of obedience to His calling on our lives also. And God is worthy of great faith also. But great faith must be tried, or else it’s of no worth to Him. The Heavenly Father searched for glory for Christ, and then judged Him to be worthy to receive it. God is worthy to receive all the honor, glory and praise that we’re to give Him!

Ask for a heart without blame, one that can’t be tempted by any unworthy purpose.

One of the most difficult lessons to learn while living the Christian life is that the love of God is worthy of our trust. He always turns His face toward us. Job discovered in the end that God was truly worthy of his trust. What’s left to dispute? God is worthy to be praised!

A Heart of Faith That Isn’t Hindered by Unworthy Desires

Those who believe in God but don’t suffer in this world have a lack of meaningful value. Our salvation is worth suffering for! It’s worth it to live for Christ! We need to ask the Lord to give us a heart of faith, not pulled down by any desires that aren’t worthy. Let’s ask Him for a heart that can’t be overcome, so that no hardship or suffering caused by oppression can wear it out. Ask for a heart without blame, one that can’t be tempted by any unworthy purpose. Jesus deserves a heart that puts Him first, because God is worthy of all of our life! 

Photo by Duncan Sanchez on Unsplash

It’s Only Through the Finished Work of Christ on The Cross

It is only through Christ’s finished work on the Cross alone that Christians have been made worthy of heaven. There will be many people who will be saved when He fulfills His destiny who weren’t worth anything to Him in this life. How many of us are worth anything to Him? In God’s eyes, there’s nothing about us on our own that’s really worth anything—not salvation, healing or blessing. We aren’t worthy, but God is worthy! We can only claim to be worthy when His Spirit lives inside of us. Our God is powerful, majestic, great, glorious and worthy!

“The four and twenty elders fall down before Him that sat on the throne, and worship Him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:10-11 emphasis added). Therefore, let us continually call upon the Lord, because God is worthy to be praised!

[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash; Opening image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash]