Challenge of Seeing Ourselves In God

God allows those here on Earth who believe in Him to be tested, in order to see if we’ll be faithful to the One He has promised us to in marriage. Our faith, trust and belief aren’t to be in ourself, but in the Lord. His Holy Spirit is working in believers today to help bring out our faith and develop our trust in Him. Whenever we undergo tests and trials, we’re proving our faith in God, so that we can see for ourself if it’s genuine. Then we’ll have the means of seeing ourselves for what we really are.

The only way we can get a true revelation of ourself is when we look upon the Lord. Whenever we’re held up next to Christ, that’s when we’re able to see our weaknesses and imperfections.

God Sees at Us Different Than We’re Seeing Ourselves

The way God sees us isn’t the same way that we are seeing ourselves. He’s able to see something different that we can’t see and don’t know. Our problem is that we are unable to see God because we’re too busy looking at ourself! The only way we can get a true revelation of ourself is when we look upon the Lord. Whenever we’re held up next to Christ, that’s when we’re able to see our weaknesses and imperfections. But we should not compare ourselves to Christ, but only to other people.

When will we begin to see that we need to be changed? Once we lose our self, when we’ve become nothing and God becomes everything to us, that’s when He’s finally able to speak to us. And this can only happen when we’ve been renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit. “…your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2:5).

Our Dependance Must be on Someone Besides Ourselves

We must depend on something or someone other than ourself in order to change what can’t be changed any other way in us. God hasn’t changed—He’s still saying that everyone needs to come to Him through Jesus Christ alone. If we will give God our all, then He’ll be able to help and accept us. He’s able to see just where we are.

A black and white photo of two women looking upward at another object symbolic of how we are seeing ourselves as God sees us
Photo by Eric Mok on Unsplash

Stop Living Life Solely on What the Eye Can See

When we look back on our life, we can see things God did for us before which will support our faith now. But when we see God, everything changes. What do we usually do while God’s busy planning something tremendous in our life? We stay preoccupied with negative things! Therefore, let’s stop living our life only on what the eye can see! We need to come and see what God can do for us instead! The Lord sees what we can’t.

We can’t see right unless we can look through the shed blood of Christ! Then, when God sees His blood on us, He declares that we’re in right standing with Him.

Our Faith and Eyes Are to be on Christ and the Cross

Let’s stop having faith only in ourselves, and begin to recognize that our help and hope come from having a Savior. We need to keep our eyes on and our faith in Christ and what He accomplished on the Cross at Calvary. We can’t see right unless we can look through the shed blood of Christ! Then, when God sees His blood on us, He declares that we’re in right standing with Him. People can only be saved through the shed blood of Christ [His crucifixion], because this is the only way the Heavenly Father designed to provide our salvation.

Our Self is No Longer Seen When Buried With Christ

The very moment we enter into Christ, our Heavenly Father doesn’t see us—but He does see His Holy Son. He no longer wants to see His people as the people we used to be, so He buried us with Christ. Before we even begin to present our prayers to the Lord, He’s already prepared His answers!

Photo by J’Waye Covington on Unsplash

While we’re praying God is moving and working, even though we can’t observe it happening. He’s the One Who leads us as He works in our minds. Therefore, He’s able to bring us into fuller intimate fellowship with Him and His Son. No matter what has happened in our life, God sees us! If we want to know how much value we have in His eyes, we only need to look at the tremendous price He paid for us on the Cross of Calvary!  

What’s the use of having eyes that don’t see, or ears that don’t hear? There are many of those kinds of eyes and ears today. Eyes that can’t see can be a trial to us. And only God’s grace can make our ears so they’re able to hear spiritually. But the same One Who made our ear can also create a route from the ear to our heart. As for those who know the Lord, “…blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.” If we have eyes that can really see God, and ears that can really hear God, then we can consider ourselves truly blessed!

He’s made us an offer of salvation where it’s possible for the glory of God and the happiness of man to be balanced to an equal degree.

God is the One to Rely on and Not Our Senses

Our tendency is to rely on what we see, hear and feel, instead of on God. But we can’t find Him by these alone. Christ will take us into the deeper things of God, into a dimension never before seen by the human eye, or ear, or mind or heart! He’s made us an offer of salvation where it’s possible for the glory of God and the happiness of man to be balanced to an equal degree. What could have given birth to the idea of such a marvelous undertaking? No power but the mind of God could have done this. 

Most People Reject the Only Way to See God

“Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? he that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?” (John 14:9). Many people are like Philip—they do want to see God, but far more people reject the only way to see Him, which comes through Christ. Some people seem to see God more clearly than other people do. This is because some have come closer to the One Who’s the object of their faith.

“Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.”

Matthew 13:13-16
Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

We Are to Set Our Minds on Things Above

The eyes, the ears and the hearts of people in the world have no idea what wonderful things God has for those who love Him. He wants us to seek and set our mind on the things above, not the things here below on this earth. It’s time for us to stop looking in the natural and start looking by faith instead! We’re to look at the things that are not seen and eternal. God can supernaturally make us see beyond only what our eyes see right in front of us. He has everything under control! No matter what we’re going through right now, He brought us out, and He’s going to see us all the way through!

[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by Nicholas Barbaros on Unsplash; Opening image by Jor8749 from Pixabay]