Open the Door of Our Heart — He Awaits

Christ the Savior is God, but He’s also man. He comes to the door of our heart and asks all who claim to be His people, His bride, to open the door and welcome Him in. He presents Himself at the door of our heart because He wants to enjoy the friendship and fellowship of…

The Voice of Christ, a Closed Door, and Your Destiny

We are living today in a Church Age which is rapidly coming to an end. How many people realize what place Jesus Christ is going to have at that time, and what His attitude will be? It won’t be long before He’ll be found standing outside of the door of His Church, politely knocking and…

We Need to Hear the Voice of the Shepherd

Sheep know which flock they belong to, and which shepherd is their shepherd. Over time, they link the sound of the voice of the shepherd with the benefits he provides for them. Whenever they hear that voice, they’ll respond at once, knowing that he’s their own master. They aren’t content until they recognize their master’s…

Hearing God’s Voice in Harsh Times

How fundamentally important it is for us to know God’s voice. But He only speaks to the ones who are willing to “come and stand by Him.” If we truly want to hear Him speak to us, we need to wait on Him to open our hearts through-and-through as we spend quality time with Him every day….