The Voice of Christ, a Closed Door, and Your Destiny

We are living today in a Church Age which is rapidly coming to an end. How many people realize what place Jesus Christ is going to have at that time, and what His attitude will be? It won’t be long before He’ll be found standing outside of the door of His Church, politely knocking and inviting individuals (but no longer large groups of people), who hear the voice of Christ to come and have fellowship with Him, and to come away from what claims to be His Church.
He is Speaking as the Bridegroom
Christ said, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and [I] will sup with him, and he [will sup] with Me” (Revelation 3:20). When He said, “he with Me,” He was speaking to us with His own tender devotion beyond measure. Here Christ is speaking as the Bridegroom “…Who loved the Church, and gave Himself for it…” (Ephesians 5:25). It’s the “Beloved One” of the Song of Solomon Who’s speaking here: “…the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me…” (Song of Solomon 5:2).
We are directed by His Holy Spirit to listen to His voice as He inspires us to open the door of our whole heart to Him. If we do, it means that we approve of what He’s asking, and agree to His call and offer.
Christ Always Knocks First
He’s the first to knock at the door of our heart. But if He didn’t knock first, then we’d never knock at His door on our own. He is also “the Door,” the One who invites us to “knock” so it will be opened for us. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you…” (Matthew 7:7).

He Will Wait Patiently for Us to Open the Door
Christ will knock at the door of our heart, but He won’t ever attempt to break the door down. He’ll never try to violently attack our will or to save us against our will. He’ll simply stand there, imploring us to allow Him to bless us. We are directed by His Holy Spirit to listen to His voice as He inspires us to open the door of our whole heart to Him. If we do, it means that we approve of what He’s asking, and agree to His call and offer. How patiently He waits with His whole heart for our reply!
Every time our heart and our conscience have been presented with an invitation to be saved by having faith in Christ and what He did for us on the cross, we could have opened the door and welcomed Him in if that was what we wanted. We have no one and nothing to blame but ourself for keeping not opening this door.
There’s only one condition for Him to come into our heart—which is simply trusting Him as the One Who can save our soul. This is what it means to open the door to Him.
We Need to be Watching and Waiting
Right now, we should be watching and waiting for His soon return. We need to remain ready to welcome Him and to invite Him to come in. Even though He’s all-powerful, He’ll never try to force the door open if we refuse to open it to Him on our own. Each one of us will have to make the decision for ourself. There’s only one condition for Him to come into our heart—which is simply trusting Him as the One Who can save our soul. This is what it means to open the door to Him.
The Voice of Christ Makes His Appeal to Those in Sin
To those who are in sin, He makes His appeal by knocking with His hand and also by the voice of Christ. He addresses by His Word, whether it’s read or spoken. Then the lessons to be applied from His Word will be inwardly transferred to our spirit by His Spirit.
But if we choose to not answer when He knocks at our door now, when we knock at His door later, He’ll choose not to hear us. He’s “at the door” right now concerning His coming back to take us away to be with Him forever. But we don’t know just when He’ll knock. Therefore, we need to be ready all the time to open the door to Him at once.

We Alone Can Open the Door to Him
This door we are talking about has no handle outside. Its hinge is designed to open from the inside to swing out. Therefore, we’re the only one who can open the door for Christ to come in. His will is to knock on our door. If we decide to open it by our will, then He’ll “come in.” He told us that, “I will come in to him, and [I] will sup with him, and he [will sup] with Me” (Revelation 3:20).
But what could we offer Him that He’d want? What could we possibly have that would please the very Lord of glory? Our loving acceptance is all we truly have that we could offer Him. Therefore, the entire responsibility of accepting or rejecting the One Who comes to us in good faith remains with us. It is Christ’s will to knock. If our will is to open, then it is His will to come in.
The very moment we swing the door open, Christ will come in and sup with us. This will be our proof that we’re now united to Him.
In biblical times, the last meal eaten before sunrise was supper. We’re now at the point where “…the night is far spent, [and] the day is at hand” (Romans 13:12). If we ‘sup’ with Christ before the final day dawns, we’ll get a taste of His soon-coming glory. The very moment we swing the door open, Christ will come in and sup with us. This will be our proof that we’re now united to Him.
We Have Communion or Fellowship With Him
When He sups with us, we have communion with Him. It’s not perfect here on earth, but it will be perfect and complete when we’re in heaven. Our mutual communion with Christ here on earth pleases Him very much. But our communion with Him in heaven will involve all this and much, much more!

Many people belong to a ‘church group,’ yet have never heard the voice of Christ that gives life. Actually, most of the Church today has rejected His voice, so He must now make His appeal to individuals. If we’ll simply open the door to Christ, the “True Door,” and give our heart and life to Him, we’ll become the most joyful people on Earth!
Open the Door of Your Heart to Christ Today
Consider this message to be personally to you. Allow it to reach right into the deepest part of your heart. Listen to Christ as He pleads with you right now, “If any man hear My voice and open the door…”. Open the door to your heart today, to show that you’re ready for Christ to come in—right now! Don’t delay one moment longer until it’s too late!
For more on knowing Jesus Christ personally please visit our page on The Way to God.
[Additional image credits: Feature image (when applicable) by Ben Wicks on Unsplash ; Opening image from Stories of old or Bible narratives by Caroline Hadley from Library of Congress through Wikimedia Commons on Picryl (Public Domain Mark PDM)]