The Grace of God Enables True Love and Joy

We all start out in life as strangers to God and His grace. “Grace” means God’s goodness granted to undeserving people. As we begin to experience God’s loving mercy, we’re able to learn to trust Him more each day to see us through all our trials. Then His grace will be able to shine forth…

We Need to Hear the Voice of the Shepherd

Sheep know which flock they belong to, and which shepherd is their shepherd. Over time, they link the sound of the voice of the shepherd with the benefits he provides for them. Whenever they hear that voice, they’ll respond at once, knowing that he’s their own master. They aren’t content until they recognize their master’s…

Beware in Seeking Your Blessings

Where are you in your walk with God? You can tell by looking at what you think about most often. If you are thinking about things that point to heaven, then you will be blessed. But if your thoughts are mainly all about matters here on earth, at some point the things you have longed…

Take the Slack Out of Your Anchor Line

The shoreline around the bay was littered with all types and sizes of boats, the result of two severe storms that had recently hit the region back to back. As Marco and his friend Lee surveyed the damage, they spotted a sailboat that had slammed up against a large tree not far from them. Marco…

A Victim of the Wrong Destination

Many think that they can just get on a track that seems right when it comes to really finding God and entering Heaven and they will surely arrive at the feet of God Himself, along with everyone else on other parallel tracks. The Bible spoke of this and its outcome thousands of years ago: “There…

Pleasing God by Faith

“…without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 We all encounter many kinds of complications as we go through life. Most people go along with no hope of going through…

Loving Our Self Over God Is Foolish

Stan just stood there, staring at the edge of the lake with a gaze of uncertainty, almost to the point of daydreaming. “Hey, Stan!” he heard his friend shout, “The bus is coming just up the road.” “Uh, yeah,” Stan replied, with some hesitancy. “I’ll be right there!” He reluctantly wandered back to the bus…

Your Destiny Depends on 1 Item

Our ultimate destiny in life depends on only one thing. It is not determined according to how well we have served mankind or how productive we may have been. Nor is it determined by whom we know or how much we have owned. The one thing our destiny depends on is our relationship with Jesus…

A Convenient Season Is Unlikely If You Procrastinate with God

“Why spend all our efforts now for something that can be put off until later” could considered the motto of those who prefers to procrastinate. Since the situation doesn’t warrant it there is no need to make any life-changing choices now. It’s often better to wait until a more opportune time comes. Let the dust…

Hopelessly Lost in a Godless Journey

Does your life feel like one big journey that you have been endlessly moving along, sometimes fast, sometimes slow? It seems like you feel you’re never really getting anywhere, as if you’re traveling in overlapping circles or everything around you is moving so quickly that you don’t know where or who you are. Yet in…