The Peace of Being Blameless

How often we want to hold God responsible for our predicaments that have actually been caused by our own sins. Yet He’s not the One Who’s to blame simply because He gave us the power of choice, and we then decided to head in a dishonorable direction. It doesn’t matter how clever a defense we…

Your Sin: Altogether Forgiven Forever ?

What word in any language could be more pleasing to someone guilty of sin than the word “forgiveness”? Is it truly possible that your sin can be altogether forgiven forever? Forgiveness is the essential part of redemption (being freed from the consequences of sin). “…we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according…

Triumph for the Humble — God’s Grace

Scorners lift up themselves, refusing to yield to anyone else, always resisting them. They pay no attention to God, as if He did not exist, while boldly continuing in sin. But God will deal with them and their proud ambitions by holding them in everlasting contempt, while blessing those who humbly believe in Him. Humble…

A Relationship is More Valuable Than Good Works

Do you ever felt like you are making great efforts to do all of the right things (or at least what you were told were the right things) to please God, yet He still seems distant or unreachable to you? Do you feel that you are missing something in this relationship with Christ? Do you…

Only Jesus Can Overcome Our Old Self

Once we give our life to God, we discover that inside of us there is both our old self (that person we were before God saved us), and now the ‘new man’ (that God is making us into). The very nature of our old self is rebellion against God. Slowly we discover that we are…

Our Best Ambitions Are as Useless as Wet Sand

Have you ever thought about the fact that our own ambitions we do for God are much like building fine castles with handfuls of wet sand? They ultimately prove to be futile, without any lasting merit. It doesn’t matter how much work we do on our own to try to make ourselves right before God….

God’s Grace isn’t a Laundry for Sins

When we accept Jesus into our hearts and He cleanses us of our sins through His blood shed on the Cross, we are not given a blank check to start a life of wrongdoing all over again. God’s grace doesn’t make His Son into the operator of a laundromat where we drop off our sin…