The Flood of the Devil Versus the Blood of Christ

A flood of destruction of all kinds has been coming against God’s Church lately, because the Devil is attempting to overwhelm and conquer it. Yet this flood is no match for the shed blood of Christ. When the standard-bearer was sent out in ancient times of war, he’d always begin by smiting the enemy. Our…

The Proven Hope and Answer to Every Problem Is Jesus

Why do many Christians today find themselves tormented with crisis situations involving fear, guilt, or unrest? They’re failing to rest in what Jesus has already accomplished on the Cross for them. He detects every aspect of all our dilemmas along with all the problems of life crowding in on us. Therefore, if we are afraid,…

Valiantly Treading Down Our Enemies

When Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary, it was done openly in view of the whole universe. After “…having spoiled principalities and powers [evil angels and their domain], He made a shew of them openly [in front of all the multitude of heaven and hell], triumphing over them…” (Colossians 2:15). The powers of darkness…

The Cross—God’s Way of Victory

It’s the great desire of the Lord for every child of His to walk victorious in Christ. But we need to learn how to do this. The way of God is the way of praise and triumph, which is the best way. What we don’t need is to keep talking about our problems; what we do need is to…

Alive in Christ Means Death to Self

When we hear messages about the sufferings and death of Christ, we often learn that Christ dying for us on the cross of Calvary is the basis for being saved. But how often do we hear that we are to die with Christ? As descendants of Adam, we all ‘died’ in him, since death was all he had to pass down to us. Therefore,…

How to Have an Incomplete Victory

Everywhere we look today, we can find how-to guides that tell us ways to accomplish practically anything. We can find instruction on how to surf, change the brakes in a vehicle, properly iron clothes, make the ultimate cheesesteak sandwich, brew a perfect tea, use a ride-on lawnmower, fly a radio-controlled plane, find the best deals…

A Promising Means to Face Tomorrow

A line in a song says, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.” But how can we face tomorrow with all of the burdens that are continually landing on our doorstep? For some, these burdens are the thought of their employer threatening to fire them, or of an eviction notice served recently. Others may be…

Embrace the Cross and Connect to a Powerful Outlet

When we attempt to remove the coldness (sin) from our heart we connect to a dead outlet (the world and its hopeless solutions). But when we plug into a live outlet (Jesus Christ and His victory on the cross), we allow power (His Spirit) to flow freely in our life. He is now able to…

New Year, Same Sin

At the beginning of each new year, it is the same old thing: So many of us want to improve some area of our life. Everywhere we look, from gyms to retail stores and restaurants, there are promotions for a new outlook on life. Yet, with all of these means in place to assist us,…

No Fence is Superior Than Jesus

A simple chain-link fence was all that separated me from the Great Blue Heron standing at the pond’s edge. Hoping for the “perfect shot,” I carefully inched closer, camera in hand. With each successive step toward the fence, the heron became more wary of my presence. I slowly raised my camera to the fence top,…