Our Faith, Our Heart, His Love

Do you know what makes somebody stand out before God? Some think it’s money, some intellect, some power, etc. But none of these are what God primarily notices in us—it’s our heart He’s looking at. Every one of us starts out as a lost sinner, yet God still loves us. But we can’t make it…

The Greatest Gift — Over 2000 Yrs. Old

When a gift-giving occasion arises, we want to give the ones we really love a gift to express our feelings for them. The Bible tells that, “We love [God], because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19), but love like this isn’t the kind of love we would have on our own. We’re only able…

The Love of God in Our Heart

The Spirit of the love of God—God’s Holy Spirit—lives within the heart of the believer. But do we live in a way that’s appropriate for His Spirit to live in? Take the time to look within your own heart—do you see any bitterness or resentment there? How about in your mind or soul?  It’s foolish for…

How You Can Know That I Love You

When I was inside my mother’s womb, the Lord God spoke softly to me, saying “My precious little one, I can see that your individual character traits are starting to be developed to prepare you to take your incredible journey into this world.” He also said, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew…

The Great Love of God for Us

What is “the love of God”? It’s the love He has for those who truly believe in Him, which they’re able to enjoy in their heart by means of the Holy Spirit. The fountainhead that this love flows forth from is in God—not in us. The Apostle Paul said that the love of God itself,…

Lost Sheep — Cares of a Good Shepherd

Sheep are gentle creatures, but every shepherd knows how they love to wander at any opportunity. God’s people are compared to sheep throughout His Word. God made us for Himself, intending for us to be His children. He came to gather us into His family to enfold us in His flock through His concern and…

Godly Jealousy: God’s Fatherly Love

The Apostle Paul was used of God to help the Corinthians believe in Christ, and also to unite with Him to become one as a husband and wife are one (see Ephesians 5:23-25). He was the messenger of God who had “espoused them to one husband” when he led them to Christ. This was when they were…

Embracing A Pure Heart For True Christian Fellowship

The one concept unique to early Christianity was “love of the brethren.” Once the early Christians had received Christ and the truth, the Apostle Peter urged them to love one another with a pure heart. Observers in Christianity’s early days were amazed by this outstanding fact more than any other. Still there were many who heard this truth, but never let it…

God Does Not Hate You

What a terrible thing it is to have hatred for someone else, both for the one who gives it and the one who receives it. Whenever something annoys or antagonizes us—we hate it. If people disagree with us or they don’t meet our predetermined standard of what is appropriate—we hate them. Consider just how much…

Love Me – 2 Words Jesus Desires of Us

The last night of December, a man many years old settled down late in his bed. Not being one to celebrate the new year’s arrival with all kinds of raucous festivities and with individuals he had never seen before, or ever desired to see again, he had chosen to just reflect on the memories, good…