God Does Not Hate You

What a terrible thing it is to have hatred for someone else, both for the one who gives it and the one who receives it. Whenever something annoys or antagonizes us—we hate it. If people disagree with us or they don’t meet our predetermined standard of what is appropriate—we hate them. Consider just how much…

How to Have an Incomplete Victory

Everywhere we look today, we can find how-to guides that tell us ways to accomplish practically anything. We can find instruction on how to surf, change the brakes in a vehicle, properly iron clothes, make the ultimate cheesesteak sandwich, brew a perfect tea, use a ride-on lawnmower, fly a radio-controlled plane, find the best deals…

Is Your Sorrow over Sin Leading to Death or Life?

At any given moment, there is someone who has done something wrong throughout the world. Whether the offense was a minor or major one, if that person was caught, or the error was exposed, he or she experienced some kind of sorrow. For most people, feelings of anguish only arise when the byproducts of their…

It’s Absurd to Blame God For Your Problems

Quite often when something doesn’t work in our favor we move into default mode and blame someone or something. If there is a problem at our job we blame a coworker, the boss, or a client/customer. Our tire or tires run low on air and we blame the repair shop. When the price is wrong…

How to Fail God and Learn From It

So many in this world are constantly searching for the means to be successful in life. Yet what they don’t know is that the only way to succeed in this world, and more importantly, afterward is by following God’s Word, the Bible. It’s full of success. But how many realize that the Bible also gives…

40 Days Not Trusting God = 40 Years

Have you ever felt like you have been traveling around in a big circle? You think that you are almost near the end when landmarks that you have seen in the beginning of your journey start appearing. You grow weary and complain. Soon you are at a point of desperation and begin crying out for…

Can Tragedy and Hardship Be A Good Thing?

When you first accepted Christ into your heart, you most likely felt like you had conquered the world and that the problems you had up to that point no longer seemed so difficult. What a pleasant time it was, with little to fear. But it was not long before the euphoria faded and new tragedy…

New Year, Same Sin

At the beginning of each new year, it is the same old thing: So many of us want to improve some area of our life. Everywhere we look, from gyms to retail stores and restaurants, there are promotions for a new outlook on life. Yet, with all of these means in place to assist us,…

Where Were the Carpenters After They Built the Ark?

“God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before Me…Make thee an ark…” Genesis 6:13-14 For almost 6,000 years, God has allowed man to follow his own path to progress by permitting him to bring his principles and methods of accomplishing his goals to full development. By the time of Noah, what…

A Lie in Disguise or Truth Unclothed?

We live our life as a façade. We have pretty curtains on the windows with a nice welcome mat on the front step, and at the same time, we surround everything with a massive wrought iron fence. Our doors are padlocked and dead-bolted, but the painted stucco covering the walls is magnificent. The front yard…