Elderly Man Uncovers Powerful Family Legacy in an Old Attic

There was an elderly man who rummaged all around in his home for a certain object, yet he still couldn’t find it. He went to the hallway of the main entrance, where an old oak staircase led him up to the oak-paneled hallway of the second floor. He briefly passed two bedrooms, then the bathroom…

1 Wrongdoing Ends a Victory Streak

How often do we encounter a period in our life where we are moving along very much victorious over the problems that come our way, when the bottom suddenly seems to fall out and we fail miserably? No matter what we do, the latest situation that has arisen leaves us defeated and baffled, as if…

Secure Freedom From Oppression

Thousands of years ago, the children of Israel were living in the land of Egypt. Yet the longer they resided there, the worse things got for them. They had been in bondage and slavery to the Egyptians, having no hope or real future, and not a lot of faith in God. Then, at some point…

It’s Absurd to Blame God For Your Problems

Quite often when something doesn’t work in our favor we move into default mode and blame someone or something. If there is a problem at our job we blame a coworker, the boss, or a client/customer. Our tire or tires run low on air and we blame the repair shop. When the price is wrong…