The Flood of the Devil Versus the Blood of Christ

A flood of destruction of all kinds has been coming against God’s Church lately, because the Devil is attempting to overwhelm and conquer it. Yet this flood is no match for the shed blood of Christ. When the standard-bearer was sent out in ancient times of war, he’d always begin by smiting the enemy. Our…

Deny the Devil Foothold to Release Anger in Your Life

The devil is on the prowl all the time. Therefore, as the children of God, we must be both watchful and careful to control ourselves in every situation. We can be angry, but we should never allow ourselves to lose control in the process. We should especially watch for situations where the devil could try…

The Joy of the Lord—Our True Delight

“Make no attempt to leave, thirst and mull over your spoiled gruel and keep it all for yourself, regardless of how much worse another’s condition is: for this night is full of sinful revelry to our Lord the devil: make every effort to feel sorry for yourself; for the misery and disappointment of the devil…

Devil, Deception and the Masquerade

“Hey, Mitch, you devil, what are you wearing for the masquerade?” a voice yelled out from one cubicle. “Mitch, is the bell going to toll this year?” said another voice bursting out of one of the offices, followed by uproarious laughter. Mitchell began to hurry as he walked to the city planner’s office. He had…

A Little-Known Byproduct of IP Theft

Intellectual property theft (IP theft) is a serious and difficult crime to combat that has been increasing steadily for several decades. Intellectual property basically consists of ownership of an intellectual creation, i.e., something that a person comes up from his own mind. It can include, but is not limited to: formulas, logos, books, movies, software,…

Delivered by a Savior or Swine?

We have a two-sided situation here. One side leads to being delivered, having victory, and receiving a new life. The other leads to lust for material gain, bondage, and death for all eternity. Looking at the narrative in this manner can alter our overall viewpoint. “…they arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which is…

The Ultimate Temptation of Christ

Jesus was tried, tempted, and tested throughout His ministry here on earth. In order for Old Testament prophecy and all of God’s laws to be fulfilled, His Son had to go through the most awful agony and torture anyone in history has every known. Jesus, as man, could not dodge or skip anything that was…

The Danger in Trying to Bribe Your Spiritual Enemy

Israel was at a moral and spiritual low, having split into two kingdoms years earlier, with Judah in the south. Menahem, the current king, feared losing his position, though he hadn’t been chosen by the people. Instead, he killed the previous king, who ruled just a month, and took his place. His cruelty is clear…

The Devil is my Taskmaster?

If an anti-Bible was ever written, it would probably render Psalm 23 like this. Sounds depressing and rather dreadful, doesn’t it? Yet, for millions around the world, this is close to being the narrative of what their life seems like to them every day and night. They hope for a better tomorrow and it never…