Seek Joy, Not Happiness

God created us so we could live a life that pleases Him. The life of man relates to God because “…in Him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). This responsibility is not a difficult one. If we’ll just live for God, who knows what marvelous things might happen in our life…

The Grace of God Enables True Love and Joy

We all start out in life as strangers to God and His grace. “Grace” means God’s goodness granted to undeserving people. As we begin to experience God’s loving mercy, we’re able to learn to trust Him more each day to see us through all our trials. Then His grace will be able to shine forth…

Fulfill Our Joy in the Joy of Christ

“My joy” as found in John chapter 15 and verse 11 means the joy that is Christ’s. This is what He desires for His disciples to possess, by which He can then, as a consequence, guarantee that we will be truly blessed. And what was the joy of Christ?—absolute self-surrender of Himself to His Father—the…

The Joy of the Lord—Our True Delight

“Make no attempt to leave, thirst and mull over your spoiled gruel and keep it all for yourself, regardless of how much worse another’s condition is: for this night is full of sinful revelry to our Lord the devil: make every effort to feel sorry for yourself; for the misery and disappointment of the devil…

Is Deliverance From Captivity Still Our Delight ?

As a child of God, do you continue on in life as if your deliverance from captivity of sin was just another occurrence, with little significance? Or is your “mouth filled with laughter” and your “tongue with singing?” This doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to laugh and sing out loud all day long, but…