Trusting the Finished Work of Christ

“It is finished” were the last words that Jesus Christ cried out when He hung on the Cross of Calvary, right before He committed His spirit to His Heavenly Father. But just what is “finished”? Christ was proclaiming that His work of redeeming mankind is complete. It was fulfilled on the Cross of Calvary. After…

Fellowship With God That’s Worthwhile

Man was created so that he could come into a loving relationship and fellowship with God, His Creator. But there was one thing man needed first. God wanted the ones He created to make the choice of showing their love for Him by obedience to Him through faith in Him. Man therefore had to be…

The Flood of the Devil Versus the Blood of Christ

A flood of destruction of all kinds has been coming against God’s Church lately, because the Devil is attempting to overwhelm and conquer it. Yet this flood is no match for the shed blood of Christ. When the standard-bearer was sent out in ancient times of war, he’d always begin by smiting the enemy. Our…

Religion Never Gives Hope Like Jesus

If you’re trying to get through a time of trouble, don’t bother turning to manmade laws, routines or, especially, “religion” for help. “Religion” spares man the effort of thinking spiritual matters through and checking them out, which is a lazy spiritual condition or attitude. But there’s no basis in the Bible for an attitude like…

The Great Love of God for Us

What is “the love of God”? It’s the love He has for those who truly believe in Him, which they’re able to enjoy in their heart by means of the Holy Spirit. The fountainhead that this love flows forth from is in God—not in us. The Apostle Paul said that the love of God itself,…

Power That Makes the Devil Powerless

Whenever we purposely stop depending on God’s Holy Spirit to help us stand against being tempted to sin, and then turn around and deliberately make plans to sin, we leave ourselves exposed to possible attacks, or even control, by Satan. It is not just our actions that he attacks—our motivation is under attack as well….

The Cross—God’s Way of Victory

It’s the great desire of the Lord for every child of His to walk victorious in Christ. But we need to learn how to do this. The way of God is the way of praise and triumph, which is the best way. What we don’t need is to keep talking about our problems; what we do need is to…

Delight in the Cross of Christ

We need to understand this truth about the beloved Son of the heavenly Father, Jesus Christ. He couldn’t go back to Heaven and its glory until He had given Himself over to die on the cross. Once this truth unfolds in our mind, it will help us understand how impossible it is for us to…

How Does Your Conscience Cope with the Cross?

A Christian is someone who is true to Jesus Christ. Being a Christian also refers to a change concerning our conscience and what we strongly believe. Yet the Bible does not tell us to walk by the light of our own conscience, but by the light of the Lord instead. Jesus taught that we should…

Where’s The Center Point of Our Faith ?

If a plumb line was held next to our spiritual position with God, how far off would we be in relation to His straight standard? Our center point must always be Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross. If we lean in any direction toward anything other than Him, the faith we are ‘building’…