The Cross—God’s Way of Victory

The backside of a Caucasian man with dark hair and a blue and black striped t-shirt holding his clenched fists upward with a harvested hay field and haze covered mountains in the background

It’s the great desire of the Lord for every child of His to walk victorious in Christ. But we need to learn how to do this. The way of God is the way of praise and triumph, which is the best way. What we don’t need is to keep talking about our problems; what we do need is to praise the Lord! Praise helps us develop our faith. Now where should we put our faith? We need to put it entirely in Christ and what He did for us on the Cross—and keep it there.

Then, when our faith is right, in due time we will be overcomers. We must demonstrate to the Lord that we have faith in Him alone, according to what His Son did for us on the Cross. Putting our faith in anything else will not work.

If we want to win over sin, we have to go Christ’s way. His way is for us to die to sin, not to battle it in our own strength. And the best way is always His way.

It’s Christ’s Way and Never Our Way

We also need to realize and remember that sin doesn’t own us—Christ does! If we want to win over sin, we have to go Christ’s way. His way is for us to die to sin, not to battle it in our own strength. And the best way is always His way. On the other hand, we won’t have much success if we let our prayer life fall away—yet prayer alone can’t give us victory over sin either. If we could pray our way to conquest, then we would boast and say “See what I accomplished!” Therefore our victory is not solely in prayer—it’s in the Cross!

A Caucasian man wearing hooded outerwear while holding a white mask down from his face in a room with light displayed only on his right side
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

What Christ Did on the Cross Makes it All Possible

Within ourselves, we have the possibility for great evil, but through the finished work of Christ, we can win over evil instead. When we make use of the authority of His name, it will see us through, and then His victory will become ours! What Christ did on the Cross has made every triumph we will ever have possible. This is because He already did what needed to be done for us to win.

…we don’t need to try to earn what Christ has already won for us. Good works do not have anything to do with living for God victoriously, or in triumphing over sin, the world and the devil.

Our Good Works Will Never Make Us Victorious

The vast majority of people in the world are trying to earn victory over evil. But we don’t need to try to earn what Christ has already won for us. Good works do not have anything to do with living for God victoriously, or in triumphing over sin, the world and the devil. Many also believe that if they fast enough, they will overcome evil. Yet fasting is not God’s way to victory over the powers of darkness or sin either. If it could make us victorious over those powers or over sin, then Christ didn’t need to die for us on the Cross. 

No Other Way to Victory But the Cross

The devil will continually try to convince us that another victory will never be ours—but he lies! We don’t have to allow him to triumph over us. The only way to be saved or to conquer sin, the flesh and the devil is through the Cross. There is no other way. Christ already paid for everything we need.

The backside of a Caucasian man in a striped dress shirt holding his clenched fists upwards against a tall green steel cross
Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

We Must Look Forward to the Cross

Our need is to reach out to obtain our blessing, our deliverance and our healing in the Cross. But we can’t get any of these if we constantly look behind us. We must never look behind—our triumph is still in what Christ did on the Cross! If we don’t get back to this, then we will not be able to lead a victorious life. Through Christ alone, we have enough power to overcome. If we disregard this, we miss everything. What we really need to do is to kneel down, humble ourselves, and seek His face.

Since He Conquered, We Are Now More Than Conquerors

Victory is ours, because Christ already conquered for it! Therefore, if He has already gained the victory, and if we are in Him, then we are more than conquerors in Him. In order to make this victory our own, we must keep our eyes on Christ and Calvary—not on ourself. That is the key.

Christ has won the battle over sin, death and the powers of Hell. If we want to win, we need to conform to what He says.

We Must Conform to Him and Allow His Victory to be Ours

God is still at work in all our situations today to make us more than conquerors. And, to whatever level we go out of ourself, Christ is able to come in to help us. If we’ll just keep believing in Him, we’ll get total victory—so don’t give up now! Christ has won the battle over sin, death and the powers of Hell. If we want to win, we need to conform to what He says. Let’s inspect ourselves, and let Lord show us how to be victorious. Then we’ll be able to conquer—by allowing His victory to be ours. The only certain way to triumph is God’s way—always!

[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by GR Stocks on Unsplash; Opening image by Japheth Mast on Unsplash]