God’s Way, God’s Word, Our Shield

A large tree lined pathway in a forest with brown leaves strewn on the ground and a bright light in the far distance with a slight pinkish glow all around

The ways of God are not capable of being searched or laid out by men. All of His ways combined have no equal in their compatibility and goodness. They line up perfectly with His character and are to be admired because they all work together as one. His ways are without tarnish, and are never described as unrighteous or unequal. But His ways can also involve judgment. And someday all His judgments will be put on display for everyone to see, and then it will be obvious how good, right and wise they have been.  

No matter what way God chooses to use, it will be complete within itself. And regardless of the manner or method God plans and uses, He will accomplish what He sets out to do.

God works with people in ways that are both plain and perfect regarding their obligation to Him and His doctrine (teaching). The way God works within men’s hearts at this time cannot yet be perfect, but His work will be accomplished and perfected by Him in due time. In fact, all the work of God is perfect. And the same One who began to bless man will continue to do so until His work has been brought to perfection. We know this because we know that all the ways of God are also perfect (or He wouldn’t be God!). He never contradicts His own perfect nature in the ways He works. No matter what way God chooses to use, it will be complete within itself. And regardless of the manner or method God plans and uses, He will accomplish what He sets out to do. His method of saving men and the ways of His grace align with His excellence. These are all according to His advice, His covenant and His purposes. And all of His work has been brought about by His Son, who completed it by His sacrifice on the cross.  

The Word of God was put to the test by King David, and by multitudes of other people, and by us—and it has never failed even once! No one who has pleaded it before the One who first spoke it has ever seen the Word of God fail. It has been tried in the furnace like silver time and time again, and has withstood any and every test!

An open Bible laying flat on the surface of a small wood grain desk with a hand on left side holding a coffee cup and the other hand slightly raised in the air on the right side
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez from Unsplash

The promises of the Word of God have always been truthful, consistent, and faithful because His Word cannot be accused of being unfaithful to Him. In fact, there is no unfaithfulness in God! “…all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen…”. They have all been tried and tested by the people of God in every age and in experiences without number.

The way of holiness of His Word makes it possible for all men (fools included!), to keep from going wrong. Everyone can believe the Word of God with trust and confidence in Him and without question.

How glorious the teachings of the Word of God are! They are so full of His glory and His principles are so pure because there is no indecency or lack of holiness in Him. There is also no adulteration of man’s words and thoughts mixed in with God’s Word. The way of holiness of His Word makes it possible for all men (fools included!), to keep from going wrong. Everyone can believe the Word of God with trust and confidence in Him and without question. We should lift up praise to God for His Word, and when His way and His Word have been praised in the highest, He will be lifted up also!

Photo of a blue Roman/medieval shield with a red decorative border and a large yellow eagle crest resting on the ground with a helmet attached to the top and brown tents in the background
Photo from Juergen Striewski on Pexels

God is “…a buckler to all those that trust in Him,” not in men, nor in themselves, nor in their own lack of righteousness. The buckler (shield) for all who trust in God is God Himself! Every action, direction, and word given by God to guide men can be totally trusted. There will not be any immorality, deceitfulness, or conceit in them. All can trust in God’s divine guidance and power, along with His marvelous grace, His Word, and most particularly, in His Son—as to who He is, His righteousness and His blood.

For those who trust in God, their buckler is God—His truth, and His faithfulness shown in His Word. The power of God surrounds them because He is all-powerful. They are also enveloped in His favor. He sees everything and He never changes. And the entire revelation of God’s Word is loaded to the brim with His abundant grace and truth. To all who have been enlightened by Him through His Word, God’s way of truth is made apparent. 

His righteousness and His precious shed blood from His death on the Cross as a sacrifice ward off the fiery darts of Satan whenever they are held up by faith in Him. He is the One who protects His people who are at war with the wicked one. 

The only sure way for every simple and believing soul to be protected in this world is by trusting God—both in His ways and in His word. Then they will lead to His peace. Their shield is God, represented on earth by His Son. His righteousness and His precious shed blood from His death on the Cross as a sacrifice ward off the fiery darts of Satan whenever they are held up by faith in Him. He is the One who protects His people who are at war with the wicked one. There is no shield of brass that can make the warrior of God safe and protected as well as God Himself! 

Do we trust in God? Are we following Him in His perfect way? Have we put His Word to the test? Then we can rest assured that He will keep us and protect us! “As for God, His way is perfect: the Word of the Lord is tried: He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him” (Psalm 18:30; also 2 Samuel 22:31).

[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) from Mystic Art Design on Pixabay; Opening photo from jplenio on Pixabay]