Beware in Seeking Your Blessings

A black and white photograph of a person in dark pants wearing athletic shoes walking on a stone inlaid platform with bright sun and and a railing in the distance

Where are you in your walk with God? You can tell by looking at what you think about most often. If you are thinking about things that point to heaven, then you will be blessed. But if your thoughts are mainly all about matters here on earth, at some point the things you have longed for in your hearts here will make you grieve as you are seeking your blessings in the wrong way.

Personal Blessings Hinder God

Being blessed here is not all there is to knowing God. He also desires for us to have His presence in all aspects of our life. But if we only aim for personal blessings for our physical well-being, we restrict what God can do for us. The real blessing a child of God should be seeking is not material. It is God!–to know Him and to achieve greater depth in our knowledge of Him.

If we place our trust in God, He will bless us, protect us, and make us prosper. God alone can bring us true prosperity and peace. 

Trust in God for True Blessings of Prosperity and Peace

God uses His mighty power to help, strengthen and bless fallen man. He does not bless us because we have done something to deserve it, since there is nothing we could possible do that would deserve it! When we acknowledge Him by making Him first in our lives, it allows His powerful presence to do away with what defiles and to bring in what blesses. If we place our trust in God, He will bless us, protect us, and make us prosper. God alone can bring us true prosperity and peace

A open Bible and a black and gold bookmark laying flat on a tan notebook on a black surface symbolizing when seeking your blessings the need for the emphasis of God's Word
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Be Faithful to His Word When Seeking Your Blessings

If we want to be certain we will receive blessings from our Lord, then we need to be faithful to His Word—because He won’t honor anything else. Our life, freedom, happiness and divine blessing all come from His Word. And if we are the children of God, we should be a blessing to Him also. Those who are blessed have been given a rich and abundant life. But we cannot be a means of blessing to others unless God’s Word is allowed to flow through us, providing them with the water of true life.

Faith is what makes a blessing we have been promised into an actual possession. This faith must be firmly secured in the Cross of Calvary—the only pivot point of blessing from God.

Faith Makes a Promised Blessing Into Possession

How can you achieve when you are seeking your blessings, victory, and everything else from the Lord? Only by faith! Faith is what makes a blessing you have been promised into an actual possession. This faith must be firmly secured in the Cross of Calvary—the only pivot point of blessing from God. Any other source of blessing refuses this divine central point. God cannot bless man when he is marred, impious, tainted and sinful. He can only bless those who have Christ within them. But when you come to Christ, God is able to bless you, and then you cannot be cursed!

Put Our Faith in Christ and His Sacrifice on the Cross

If we will just trust God, putting our faith in Christ and the sacrifice of His life for us at Calvary, then He will open windows and doors wide for us. This is the only true source of spiritual blessing. The death and resurrection of Christ from the dead makes new relationships and new blessings possible for the child of God. Our Heavenly Father does this for the sake of His Son—because He paid the price on the cross for all that we have need of. We are blessed just to know God as He has been revealed in His Son, Jesus Christ. 

A silhouette of a woman with a hand raised in front of a white background
Image by Rod Long on Unsplash

Beware of a Glut of Hardship or Prosperity

We will find the key to both spiritual and financial well-being if we will totally partake of Christ and worship Him. But the purpose of God in redeeming us was not merely to make us prosperous. His primary purpose is for us to be saved. If we allow ourselves to be outside of His will, we will be outside of His blessings. The two ends of this spectrum are hardship and prosperity. Beware of an excess of either one. We cannot allow one or the other to eat away at our loyalty to God and His Word. 

God blesses what belongs to Him. And we could receive no greater blessing than belonging to Him and the Lord being with us!

God Wants to Bless Us With Himself

Difficulties and hardships are one way God uses to make us ready to receive the blessing of His favor. But we really don’t find His favor as much in the blessing as we do in the Blesser—our heavenly Father! This is why He desires to give us more than a material blessing. He primarily wants to bless us with Himself, if we will truly seek Him. God blesses what belongs to Him. And we could receive no greater blessing than belonging to Him and the Lord being with us! When His people come into accord with Him, they become a blessing to everyone!

[Image credits: Featured image (when applicable) by Brennan Martinez on Unsplash; Opening image (modified by author) by Daniel Reche from Pixabay]