Unlocking Your Glorious Future with God: From Past Burdens to Eternal Promise

A lightly red tinted photo of the headshot of a Caucasian man with a mustache and light beard positioned to the far right wearing a brown hood and displayed with a serious expression on his face

Satan is a fallen angel who led a revolt to take over the throne of God long ago in eternity past. Yet Satan failed in his attempt back then, and he’ll also fail when he tries again in the future. Every one of us must decide which plan and purpose we’ll follow—Satan’s or God’s, no matter what kind of past we’ve had ourself. All who choose to who follow Satan will have no future with God, while those who follow God have no past, because they have become a new creation in Christ! 

…those who follow God don’t have to allow the past to depress them or to rule over them in the present or the future.

Our Past Sinful Life is Gone When We Give Our Hearts to God

When people first believe in and give their heart to God, all their past sins are forgiven. Yet those who continue to have a heart full of unforgiveness will be forced to remain in bondage to the past. Therefore they won’t be able to live in the present properly, or prepare for the future. But those who follow God don’t have to allow the past to depress them or to rule over them in the present or the future. If they truly believe in God, and have given their life to Him, they know that they already have eternal salvation in Him. 

Our Future With God is Far Superior Than Our Past

If we’ve had an experience where God blessed us in the past, no matter how meaningful and wonderful it was, it’s of no use to us if our heart isn’t in fellowship with Him right now. A heart without love for heavenly things quickly becomes bound twice as much to this present evil world. God wants to give us His favor where we are, in our current circumstances, no matter how we got to this point.

He’s already making changes in our life, and if we were able to see them, we wouldn’t tend to feel so discouraged or impatient with ourselves. Most of the world today ”walks in darkness [and] knows not where [it] goes…” (John 12:35). But what our future with God or what He’s going to do for His people next is so much greater than what we know now, that there’s simply no comparison! 

A female with black hair and light brown dress seated at a table filled with tarot cards, a candle, and a red rose while looking down at one of the cards held in her hands, and yet our future with God still is not known.
Photo by Cottonbro Studio on Pexels

God is the Only One Who Truly Knows the Future

Who can accurately foretell future happenings? Man can’t, spirits can’t—even Satan himself can’t! But we do know that, out of all the Bible predictions made by God in the past, not one has ever failed. And none of the Bible’s prophecies concerning the future will fail either. There are a multitude of Bible verses that tell details of the very real life His children will enjoy in their future with God. He is the only One who knows what the future holds, and the only book that can truly reveal it is the Bible, His Word. 

When we begin our future life in Heaven with Christ, we’ll have freedom from all our troubles, along with all the health and riches that He has promised us. Then distress, suffering and evil will have come to an end.

We Have to Sow the Seeds for the Future Now

God has moved greatly at times in the past, but He’s also moving in the present. Let’s keep in mind what He’s done for us before and learn from it. We sow the seeds for the future in the period of time we live in. We’re designed for the future—because that’s where we’ll live! Do we know what makes the blessings God has promised to us into reality in the present time? It’s faith in God. Therefore, let’s aim our faith toward our future with God, and pray that our obstacles at this time won’t become any greater.

When we begin our future life in Heaven with Christ, we’ll have freedom from all our troubles, along with all the health and riches that He has promised us. Then distress, suffering and evil will have come to an end. Our future with God is going to be so absolutely glorious that our current problems and misery will seem like nothing by comparison! We’re able to firmly base our belief in these blessings to come on the mercy we’ve already received from the Lord. 

A setting sun, partially obscured behind clouds in a blue sky over a large body of water, highlighting a man walking on the sandy shoreline
Photo by Nick Pampoukidis on Unsplash

God Cares for Us in the Past, Present, and Future

God’s Son watches over the ones He guards to the utmost. He is “a very present help” to save, deliver and heal us right now. All that’s happening at this time is leading up to a full exhibition of God’s glory in the future. And how abundant the hope is for our future with God! We should be very thankful that our God keeps on hearing and caring for us—in the past, the present and the future.

Therefore, “…I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

[Additional image credits: Featured image (when applicable) djedj from Pixabay; Opening image (modified by author) by Sammy-Williams(modified image) from Pixabay]