Deny the Devil Foothold to Release Anger in Your Life

The devil is on the prowl all the time. Therefore, as the children of God, we must be both watchful and careful to control ourselves in every situation. We can be angry, but we should never allow ourselves to lose control in the process. We should especially watch for situations where the devil could try…

To Fuel an Argument is Explosive

There are people in this world who love to fuel an argument. As a result, each member of the disputing party builds upon the other, until the whole affair gets way out of hand. The following anecdote illustrates the simple proverb: “As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious…

Vindictive Vengeance is Only for God

There was a time early in my life when I believed I was treated very unjustly by my boss. I had not had a personal relationship with Jesus for very long at that point. I was trying to adjust to my new situation with Him and to practice responding to problems in a way that…

Impulsive Anger Can Destroy the Soul

God’s view of quick and impulsive anger has always been negative. “Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools” (Ecclesiastes 7:9). While it is not wrong to be angry at certain things on appropriate occasions, as seen in the following examples, we can’t be quick to…