Delight in the Cross of Christ

We need to understand this truth about the beloved Son of the heavenly Father, Jesus Christ. He couldn’t go back to Heaven and its glory until He had given Himself over to die on the cross. Once this truth unfolds in our mind, it will help us understand how impossible it is for us to…

“He Withdrew Himself”

Every day, this world grows more and more perplexing. There is a steady deluge of reports from all forms of media about political upheavals, infestations, pandemics, famines, skirmishes and provocations, inflammatory rhetoric, erratic and violent weather, uprisings, and so much more. Yet many of these reports contradict each other or offer conflicting advice. In fact,…

When Led by God, He’ll Reveal Our Way Gradually

Have you ever walked down a path that you thought was the best way to go, only to find that you were greatly in error and you should have gone the other way—even though it didn’t seem ‘right’ at that time? Perhaps God pressed on your heart to travel in a direction where there is…

When Given, God’s Blessing is to Be Used Completely

In the early stage of their journey in the wilderness, the Israelites reached a point where there was no food readily available. Rather than calling out right away to God for help, they decided to murmur and complain about their situation instead. Yet God still provided for them, and in a way that they were…

40 Days Not Trusting God = 40 Years

Have you ever felt like you have been traveling around in a big circle? You think that you are almost near the end when landmarks that you have seen in the beginning of your journey start appearing. You grow weary and complain. Soon you are at a point of desperation and begin crying out for…

Are You Holding God’s Hand—or Is He Holding Yours?

Two young children decide to take a walk together across an empty field near their backyards, holding each other’s hand. Then a gander and several geese suddenly burst forth through a broken portion of a back fence. One child notices that two of the geese have become stuck in part of the damaged section of…

The Joy of the Lord—Our True Delight

“Make no attempt to leave, thirst and mull over your spoiled gruel and keep it all for yourself, regardless of how much worse another’s condition is: for this night is full of sinful revelry to our Lord the devil: make every effort to feel sorry for yourself; for the misery and disappointment of the devil…