Fellowship With God That’s Worthwhile

Man was created so that he could come into a loving relationship and fellowship with God, His Creator. But there was one thing man needed first. God wanted the ones He created to make the choice of showing their love for Him by obedience to Him through faith in Him. Man therefore had to be…

The Great Love of God for Us

What is “the love of God”? It’s the love He has for those who truly believe in Him, which they’re able to enjoy in their heart by means of the Holy Spirit. The fountainhead that this love flows forth from is in God—not in us. The Apostle Paul said that the love of God itself,…

Who Designs Our Destiny?

Gethsemane is where we see the agony that Jesus, the Son of God, went through as He fulfilled His destiny to be the Savior of the world. God pulled the veil aside so that we could see what a great price had to be paid to make it possible for us become His sons and…

Are You Noted by Your Walk With God?

If you are a Christian, would someone be able to know you by your walk with God? Is your relationship with Him at such a level that others around you would be able to tell the difference between you and others they may encounter? The Bible says, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith…

Love and Devotion Displayed Spontaneously and Extravagant

True love does not cautiously hold back its feelings from the one it loves. Love is spontaneous, and may burst forth in amazing ways that we never plan in advance. The one quality that distinguishes love is that it comes forth, not by force, but from our free will and devotion. “…in Bethany in the…

He Walked With God in Foolish Times

Enoch was a godly man who lived seven generations after Adam, right before the great flood of Noah’s time. Throughout Enoch’s life, the earth was filled with corrupt people committing violence and wickedness of every kind. Most men walked following the lusts of their own hearts, doing whatever felt good to them. They were not…

Why Give if You Gripe?

In his much-loved classic, A Christmas Carol, author Charles Dickens portrayed his leading character, Ebenezer Scrooge, as a miserly and uncompassionate old man who focused exclusively on the prosperity of his own business. Permitting his sole employee to add an additional piece of coal for just an ounce of warmth in his office he considered…