It’s Easy to Lose the Steps of Christ

Following in the steps of Christ is reminiscent of the game children like to play in following another child by trying to step in each of his footprints behind him. The one who follows will do his best to keep up, but he may let his attention get distracted while the leader keeps walking and…

Trusting the Finished Work of Christ

“It is finished” were the last words that Jesus Christ cried out when He hung on the Cross of Calvary, right before He committed His spirit to His Heavenly Father. But just what is “finished”? Christ was proclaiming that His work of redeeming mankind is complete. It was fulfilled on the Cross of Calvary. After…

Faith Trust and Believing in God

Why do many people find it so hard to believe that God really loves them and wants to care for them? It may seem like a risky venture to put our faith in God, but it’s not intended to be a leap in the dark while hoping for a soft landing. True faith in Him…

Fellowship With God That’s Worthwhile

Man was created so that he could come into a loving relationship and fellowship with God, His Creator. But there was one thing man needed first. God wanted the ones He created to make the choice of showing their love for Him by obedience to Him through faith in Him. Man therefore had to be…

Open the Door of Our Heart — He Awaits

Christ the Savior is God, but He’s also man. He comes to the door of our heart and asks all who claim to be His people, His bride, to open the door and welcome Him in. He presents Himself at the door of our heart because He wants to enjoy the friendship and fellowship of…

Challenge of Seeing Ourselves In God

God allows those here on Earth who believe in Him to be tested, in order to see if we’ll be faithful to the One He has promised us to in marriage. Our faith, trust and belief aren’t to be in ourself, but in the Lord. His Holy Spirit is working in believers today to help…

God Is Worthy of Our Faith and Praise

We have a Creator Who cares for us. He is always intently involved in His aim of improving our worth to Him. He directs everything by His godly attention and inherent knowledge of the way we should follow—whether we can see it or we can’t, or if it’s full of life, or if it’s good…

God Will Be With Us in Our Trouble

Trouble and affliction will happen in our life if we’re a believer in God, but they don’t come in order to harm us. During periods of severe difficulty, the people of God frequently become aware of a special divine presence. The Lord knows when His people are in severe difficulty, and He’ll come and give…

The Voice of Christ, a Closed Door, and Your Destiny

We are living today in a Church Age which is rapidly coming to an end. How many people realize what place Jesus Christ is going to have at that time, and what His attitude will be? It won’t be long before He’ll be found standing outside of the door of His Church, politely knocking and…

Seeing an Unseen and Invisible God

The post explores the concept of Jesus Christ as the perfect reflection of the invisible God and His glory. Unlike Adam who was a partial representation, Jesus perfectly embodied the essential nature and attributes of God, being a full expression of God’s wisdom, righteousness, and omnipotence. It discusses Christ as humanity’s pathway to understanding the unknowable God. Jesus, the ‘Second Adam’, is presented as the bridge between God’s invisible presence and man’s visible existence. The post reinforces that only through faith can the invisible God become visible.

The Flood of the Devil Versus the Blood of Christ

A flood of destruction of all kinds has been coming against God’s Church lately, because the Devil is attempting to overwhelm and conquer it. Yet this flood is no match for the shed blood of Christ. When the standard-bearer was sent out in ancient times of war, he’d always begin by smiting the enemy. Our…