Seeing an Unseen and Invisible God

The post explores the concept of Jesus Christ as the perfect reflection of the invisible God and His glory. Unlike Adam who was a partial representation, Jesus perfectly embodied the essential nature and attributes of God, being a full expression of God’s wisdom, righteousness, and omnipotence. It discusses Christ as humanity’s pathway to understanding the unknowable God. Jesus, the ‘Second Adam’, is presented as the bridge between God’s invisible presence and man’s visible existence. The post reinforces that only through faith can the invisible God become visible.

Changing Your Destiny for Eternity

God has a destiny for our life that He wants us to carry out, but each of us will determine the details of how we’ll do it. What we’ve decided to believe, along with the way we behave now, will ultimately decide our destiny for all of eternity.  There isn’t any other human being who…

Is Your Trust in God or One Inferior ?

Christ died for us, and those who follow Him place their trust in Him. He paid the entire price so that we could go free, and we‘ll be able to go to heaven someday because of this. For all those who trust in God the way Christ trusted Him, He’s willing to be to them…

How You Can Know That I Love You

When I was inside my mother’s womb, the Lord God spoke softly to me, saying “My precious little one, I can see that your individual character traits are starting to be developed to prepare you to take your incredible journey into this world.” He also said, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew…

Does Our Liberty in Christ Keep Us Captive or Give Us Freedom ?

A Christian is someone who is willing to sacrifice his liberty for the sake of Christ and for the sake of others. In fact, a Christian really has only one true liberty—the freedom not to use his liberty if he wants to. The Apostle Paul said that he knew this, because what Christ taught had convinced him….

Elderly Man Uncovers Powerful Family Legacy in an Old Attic

There was an elderly man who rummaged all around in his home for a certain object, yet he still couldn’t find it. He went to the hallway of the main entrance, where an old oak staircase led him up to the oak-paneled hallway of the second floor. He briefly passed two bedrooms, then the bathroom…

Hopes, Fears and Peace on Earth

Near the end of each and every year, most of the world looks to the ultimate idea of peace on Earth. Centuries have now passed, and we still have yet to experience such a concept. What were the angels speaking about when they proclaimed over two thousand years ago: “Glory to God in the highest,…

Satisfied in Believing in the Unseen

At any given moment, there are people all over the world reacting to unseen situations. Even though there is nothing visible, they still believe—based on just a warning—that something life-threatening is about to occur. Having faith in God and His Son and believing in the unseen is much like these scenarios people encounter every day….

Hope in the Furnace of Affliction

The Israelites were put under the rule of the Egyptian taskmasters because God wanted them to see how much they needed His help. It was His hope that they would remember how He had delivered them before from the plagues of Egypt, and from the furnace of affliction when they were forced to make bricks…

An Iron-clad Plan Where Sin’s Accepted

Today, health insurance coverage is the rage among individuals and governments alike. Many believe that they need it so that they can receive treatment of whatever condition or malady (or even sin) that may occur in their life without having the enormous financial burden that would follow. Since healthcare costs continue to rise, the demand…