“Arise and Go”

When we were children, how often did our parents tell us to do something, and we didn’t obey—because we didn’t consider it necessary or important? A teacher might have asked us to accomplish a particular task, but we reluctantly dragged our feet instead, and, ultimately, never completed it. Later on in our life, an employer…

The Storm Before the Calm

The setting evening sun created a soft, orange glow along the silhouette of a cloud formation on the horizon. In the far distance, stormy darkened skies began to appear in the port anchorage area of the lengthy, shallow shoreline. A well-secured fleet of weather-beaten fishing vessels rested on their mooring lines. But one anchorage spot…

Is the Rest Stop Now the Destination?

The summit always seemed completely out of reach as the small group of climbers continued their slow and arduous ascent. Marcus, the self-appointed leader of the group, felt that, if they were to reach one of the many plateaus for a rest stop on this side of the mountain range before sunset, they would all…

Hope in the Cloud Overshadowing You

When Jesus was transformed on the Mount of Transfiguration, He glowed both inside and out. His apostles were filled with fear as they tried to figure out what was happening. Suddenly they heard a voice speak to them coming directly from heaven, declaring, ‘This is My beloved Son; hear Him’! But they were still afraid…

Living in the Wilderness or Just Passing Through?

Thousands of years ago, God delivered the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt. At first this seemed wonderful to them. They were no longer subject to cruel slave drivers and taskmasters. Their time of forced labor making bricks out of almost nothing was now over. In fact, the Egyptians, after having to endure all…

Jesus Is Here — Abandon the Safety Net

Many of us have at least one item in our possession that we hold onto for security. It might be a particular article of clothing, a piece of jewelry, an official document, some kind of correspondence or a card, or it could even be just a toy, book, or stuffed animal. For some, it is…

Only Under His Cloud He’ll Protect Us

When God brought the children of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt into the wilderness, He led them in a rather unconventional way. “…the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to…

A Cloud – Breaking Journey with God

In our journey with God, we are also going to find difficult areas and places where we cannot see how we can make it through on our own. There are going to be mountains to climb, and valleys we must descend to. But we should not allow rough areas or storms to deter us from…

The Next Move Is Ours

In every board game, such as checkers or chess, the first player makes a move and then another move always has to be made, alternating back and forth until the game ends. Whether you go first or second, your opponent will always have to move one of his pieces to another space after you make…

Look Out for Doubt – It’s Easy to Catch!

If misery loves company, then doubt and its close companion, unbelief, are like an easily caught cold. Since we are more inclined to not believe in something, it only takes one doubting person to impact a large group of people. Let’s look at an example from the Bible and see how a little unbelief spread…