By Faith the Righteous Will Triumph

The final end of the wicked and the righteous will be quite different. The Lord has made upright people righteous (right in His eyes) by blotting their sins out and pouring new life into their heart by His Holy Spirit. The Lord’s grace will assist them continually, until they’re finally brought into His kingdom, and…

Is “Human Reason” Your Faith in God ?

What is your attitude toward faith? You can say you have faith in God, but you should not consider this to be your key to eternal life with Him. The only way to have true faith in God is by establishing a relationship with Him that is genuine and intimate. How can anyone have faith…

Living in the Wilderness or Just Passing Through?

Thousands of years ago, God delivered the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt. At first this seemed wonderful to them. They were no longer subject to cruel slave drivers and taskmasters. Their time of forced labor making bricks out of almost nothing was now over. In fact, the Egyptians, after having to endure all…

Look Out for Doubt – It’s Easy to Catch!

If misery loves company, then doubt and its close companion, unbelief, are like an easily caught cold. Since we are more inclined to not believe in something, it only takes one doubting person to impact a large group of people. Let’s look at an example from the Bible and see how a little unbelief spread…

Faith or Just Hope?

Is the object of our faith… just a hope that a plane will get us to our destination? Or do we place our faith in the pilot with his wisdom, training and experience… to get us to where we are to go as safely as possible? How often the child of God feels inadequate when…

Jesus’ Faith + Patience = Godly Character

What we say and actually do can be miles apart. But God doesn’t judge us by these as much as He judges us by our character. The one thing He really wants to see is godly character being built up in us. This means the way we behave according to our code of correct behavior…

If He’s Unlimited — Why Do We Limit God ?

How often we, as children of God, don’t want to burden Him with our needs beyond those which we consider trivial. God is limitless—but in our finite wisdom, we often exhibit a false humility and thereby limit God in what He can do for us. Many have gone through their whole lives with little belief…

Does God Ever Care About Your Worry ?

Are you going through a situation where you feel like God doesn’t care about you? Does it seem like He doesn’t see what you are going through? Do you feel like you have to worry and fret over your situation, since God apparently is not interested in helping you with it? Maybe you think He…

Rain and Unbelief

I recently read an interesting anecdote about an open-air religious meeting held in Scotland in the 1800s. On the morning of the day of the meeting, rain came down in torrents. A minister connected with the meeting led the others in prayer, confidently praying that the weather would clear up by the time of the…