God’s Thoughts and Ways Triumph Our Limited Reasoning

God’s thoughts and ways are infinitely higher and wiser than our own. If we could do everything our own way, we would end up coddled, feeble and ineffective. We would never develop true strength of character, nor would we be able to understand or empathize with the weaknesses and problems that others face. In fact,…

The Voice of Christ, a Closed Door, and Your Destiny

We are living today in a Church Age which is rapidly coming to an end. How many people realize what place Jesus Christ is going to have at that time, and what His attitude will be? It won’t be long before He’ll be found standing outside of the door of His Church, politely knocking and…

17 Useful Things in a Moment

Exactly what is a moment? Does it translate into approximately a minute? Or is there really any definite period of time assigned to this word? After duly researching this, the conclusion is that the ‘moment’ known today does not have a definite fixed duration, other than being very brief (kind of disappointing, right?). But the…

A Deadly Snake—A Means for Life?

Jesus speaks of a serpent being lifted up in the wilderness, and how, by believing in Him, one can have eternal life. “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John…

The Way to God

Which road of life are you traveling on today? Your life’s journey will end one day, and then you will go into eternity. Is the road you currently are on the right road that God set out for you? Or is it that other, broad road mentioned in the Bible—the one that appears so deceptively…

For Jesus to Come and Die Again is Absurd

Many years ago, I heard a verse in a song that said, “If He had to do it all again, He’d do it all again.” The song’s overall message tells how great the love of Jesus is to want to come and die again. It is true that He loved us so much that, even…

Born to Die?

Since the time of creation billions have been born into this world, lived out their lives and then died. Yet out of these there was only one who was born to die. Over two thousand years ago Jesus Christ was born as a man to make a way for all of those who accept and…

Secure the Ultimate Insurance Policy

The concept of insurance has been traced as far back as 1700 BC in the Babylonian period. It is basically a guarantee provided by an individual, company, organization, or governmental entity for reimbursement of a specific loss. In return, the provider expects payment of a premium or prearranged fee for the duration of coverage. While…

The Photo, the Blood and Your Destiny

Our life is being recorded every microsecond of each day, all day, in the tiniest detail. From the point of conception to the last breath and heartbeat God has a record of our lives. Much like a photograph or video He has it all stored away until that time in future where our eternal destiny…

Pleasing God by Faith

“…without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 We all encounter many kinds of complications as we go through life. Most people go along with no hope of going through…