For Those Who Trust in God There is a Hope and a Future

Anyone can recognize that there’s an end to all things on Earth if they simply look to the future and consider the end result of life here. One final day, everyone, whether good or evil, is going to stand before God. People often tend to wonder if He’s thinking about us anymore, or if He’s…

By Faith the Righteous Will Triumph

The final end of the wicked and the righteous will be quite different. The Lord has made upright people righteous (right in His eyes) by blotting their sins out and pouring new life into their heart by His Holy Spirit. The Lord’s grace will assist them continually, until they’re finally brought into His kingdom, and…

Is Your Trust in God or One Inferior ?

Christ died for us, and those who follow Him place their trust in Him. He paid the entire price so that we could go free, and we‘ll be able to go to heaven someday because of this. For all those who trust in God the way Christ trusted Him, He’s willing to be to them…

Through Faith We’re Kept by God’s Power

Throughout the Old Testament, images like a refuge, a shield, and a fortress are used to represent God. They describe how perfectly secure all the ones who live in Him are. The word “kept” is sometimes used as a military word in the Bible to indicate protection, as in a fortress. God is able to…

The Perfect Work of Patience

“…the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, [lacking] nothing…” (James 1:3-4), meaning that everything is now complete. Our patience needs an opportunity to be tried to the limit in order to carry out its perfect work. We should want to be faithful to what we…

Delight in the Cross of Christ

We need to understand this truth about the beloved Son of the heavenly Father, Jesus Christ. He couldn’t go back to Heaven and its glory until He had given Himself over to die on the cross. Once this truth unfolds in our mind, it will help us understand how impossible it is for us to…

How We Can We Possibly ” Fear no Evil “?

Are you always watching for fear to spring on you, when there is actually nothing currently taking place to be afraid of? How often we even find ourselves afraid of fear itself for no good reason! If you are a child of God, you should not be looking for fear, nor allowing it to come…

Is the Rest Stop Now the Destination?

The summit always seemed completely out of reach as the small group of climbers continued their slow and arduous ascent. Marcus, the self-appointed leader of the group, felt that, if they were to reach one of the many plateaus for a rest stop on this side of the mountain range before sunset, they would all…

The Flood, Faith and Fear

Noah was born in a time when the human race had sunk to an extremely low and corrupt state. His parents hoped his birth was a sign that reform was coming, yet their hopes were greatly disappointed. “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8). God announced to him that He…

“God Is For Me”

How often do we go through our walk with the Lord, thinking that there is no place where we feel like our enemies would not gladly engulf us? It seems as if every time we turn around, a new hurdle, hindrance, or attack comes against us. In some instances, even what we say is twisted…