The Proven Hope and Answer to Every Problem Is Jesus

Why do many Christians today find themselves tormented with crisis situations involving fear, guilt, or unrest? They’re failing to rest in what Jesus has already accomplished on the Cross for them. He detects every aspect of all our dilemmas along with all the problems of life crowding in on us. Therefore, if we are afraid,…

War and Trouble Will Come But the End is Not Yet

“Wars and rumors of wars” have always been. Since the time of Christ, this planet has had thirteen years of war for every year of peace. As time goes on, we’re going to hear more about “wars and rumors of wars,” but we who belong to God should not allow ourselves to be excessively distressed about such news….

Earthquakes, Sin, and Your Heart

Earthquakes are an interesting phenomenon. They come and go as the earth’s crust shifts around on its molten core. Their intensity varies from tiny tremors that barely register on measuring equipment to a full blown rupture that destroys whole cities or reshapes the countryside. There is a parallel here in regard to how sin impacts…

1 Wrongdoing Ends a Victory Streak

How often do we encounter a period in our life where we are moving along very much victorious over the problems that come our way, when the bottom suddenly seems to fall out and we fail miserably? No matter what we do, the latest situation that has arisen leaves us defeated and baffled, as if…

Fear, Sin, and the Future of Humanity

The world we live in today seems radically different from the world of thousands of years ago. We regularly hear of uprisings, terror, instability, violence, natural disasters, famine, plagues and disease, death, conspiracies, and more. When we look back over time, it seems that so much back then appeared better than the present time, and…

Only Under His Cloud He’ll Protect Us

When God brought the children of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt into the wilderness, He led them in a rather unconventional way. “…the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to…

Only the Accuser Gains in Condemning

Job (rhymes with “robe”) in the Bible was trying to be as righteous before God as he could be. Yet when sudden calamity struck his life none of this counted as his friends gathered around him and condemned him, saying that it must have happened because of sin in his life. But Jesus said, “Judge…

An Iron-clad Plan Where Sin’s Accepted

Today, health insurance coverage is the rage among individuals and governments alike. Many believe that they need it so that they can receive treatment of whatever condition or malady (or even sin) that may occur in their life without having the enormous financial burden that would follow. Since healthcare costs continue to rise, the demand…

Is Your Sorrow over Sin Leading to Death or Life?

At any given moment, there is someone who has done something wrong throughout the world. Whether the offense was a minor or major one, if that person was caught, or the error was exposed, he or she experienced some kind of sorrow. For most people, feelings of anguish only arise when the byproducts of their…