No Power of God Yields a Weak Church

Churches all over the world today are operating with no power. Sure, the lights are on, the music is playing, and the temperature is adequately controlled—but spiritually there is “no power.” So why is there no power? How do these churches survive without it? It is due the fact that they are operating in their…

Be Weak With God — Keep Your Ballast

We have these bags of “ballast” in our own life called “the flesh.” It is the part of us that desires the sinful pleasures of this physical life that we have not yet completely removed since we surrendered our heart to the Lord. The more ballast we have in our life, the lower or more…

A Strong Tower

You are in a bad predicament. Your enemy has you surrounded and is closing in quickly. What should you do? Run! Me, run? Yes, you! Run. Run to the nearest fortified protection. But that’s retreating. I don’t retreat, I fight! So you are going to fight an enemy that is always more powerful than you…

Individuality Is Deadly to Our Soul

The devil tempted the first man by trying to convince Adam that God is not the final authority over each individual. He also tried to get him to believe that man is his own god, the very core position of individuality. When Adam fell for these temptations, he also fell from his position with God….

Only Jesus Can Overcome Our Old Self

Once we give our life to God, we discover that inside of us there is both our old self (that person we were before God saved us), and now the ‘new man’ (that God is making us into). The very nature of our old self is rebellion against God. Slowly we discover that we are…

Overcoming the Spiritual Struggle with Our Flesh

The Apostle Paul had discovered that he had no strength of his own to carry out the good that he wanted or willed to do in his life. He said, “…how to perform that which is good, I find not…” (Romans 7:18). After wrestling with this knowledge of an internal spiritual struggle for a while,…

Our Best Ambitions Are as Useless as Wet Sand

Have you ever thought about the fact that our own ambitions we do for God are much like building fine castles with handfuls of wet sand? They ultimately prove to be futile, without any lasting merit. It doesn’t matter how much work we do on our own to try to make ourselves right before God….

God’s Voice is Calling — Don’t Fight It

Have you ever walked down a path leading into a forest in the quiet of the day? Maybe you’ve strolled down a weather-beaten brick walkway leading into a beautiful garden, where the rich freshness of beautiful flowers blossoming surround and overpower you. At times like these, have you ever felt like God’s voice is calling…

The Enemy’s Ploy: Focus on Yourself

Have you ever wondered if the trial you are going through is the result of the actions of another person, or if it is coming from the enemy of your soul? The devil really wants you to focus on yourself. Do you ever find yourself thinking things like this: *** One Thing in Common of…