No Profitable Reason to Complain

“I have a good reason to complain!” How often have we spoken these words to try to justify our feelings! Complaining is a way of expressing our grief or pain or dissatisfaction. Sometimes we complain in a formal way, but more often it is a casual statement or attitude. And we know that everyone wants…

Two Offerings and Two Motives Yield the First Murder

All the way back in the earliest days of creation, there were two brothers, the first sons of Adam and Eve. One was a shepherd and the other a farmer. Both were hard workers and each one put all of his effort into producing the best livestock or crops possible. When the appropriate time which…

Looking to Yourself or Jesus Brings Failure or Hope

How many times in your life do you run into problems and trouble, ending up with no way out. You try all kinds of things to alleviate the situation but to no real avail. Yet in reality you can’t be free the state you are in as long as you keep looking to yourself. As…

To Envy the Wicked is to Insult God

For centuries people have been struggling unsuccessfully with envy. But there was one man named Asaph who found the solution. He was a worship leader in the Temple for the Israelite people, a skilled musician who also wrote several of the psalms in the Bible. He was one who knew about the blessings and the…

Individuality Is Deadly to Our Soul

The devil tempted the first man by trying to convince Adam that God is not the final authority over each individual. He also tried to get him to believe that man is his own god, the very core position of individuality. When Adam fell for these temptations, he also fell from his position with God….

The Enemy’s Ploy: Focus on Yourself

Have you ever wondered if the trial you are going through is the result of the actions of another person, or if it is coming from the enemy of your soul? The devil really wants you to focus on yourself. Do you ever find yourself thinking things like this: *** One Thing in Common of…

Cities – epitome and pride of mankind

From the tower of Babel in the Old Testament, to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (tallest building in the world as of this writing), man, in his pride, has been continually attempting to meet God by his own efforts. He will never succeed in doing this, because God is a spirit, and man, in spite…