The one concept unique to early Christianity was “love of the brethren.” Once the early Christians had received Christ and the truth, the Apostle Peter urged them to love one another with a pure heart. Observers in Christianity’s early days were amazed by this outstanding fact more than any other. Still there were many who heard this truth, but never let it…
Tag: Godly love
Love and Devotion Displayed Spontaneously and Extravagant
True love does not cautiously hold back its feelings from the one it loves. Love is spontaneous, and may burst forth in amazing ways that we never plan in advance. The one quality that distinguishes love is that it comes forth, not by force, but from our free will and devotion. “…in Bethany in the…
Discard the Fears That Dominate Us
What frequently makes us anxious and lacking in courage? Usually it’s fear. It can come at us in many different forms through our physical desires, lifestyles, and ambitions. We can find it woven into ordinary nature adventures, like swimming, scuba diving, cliff climbing, or skydiving. And there are some who experience it through physical entertainment,…
He Went Out of the Way to Save You
The man was sitting beside a small, recently fallen, tree near the woods at the edge of town. His hand gripped his chest constantly and a grimace showed on his face. He was obviously in great pain. His other hand rose occasionally, feebly waving in an attempt to motion for help. A woman sat nearby,…
Why Does Fear Have the Advantage Over Us?
Since the beginning of this world, it is unlikely that anyone, except Jesus Christ, has ever lived a life without some kind of fear. Whether it comes from a wasp attempting to sting, a stumble that nearly sends us over the edge of a cliff, a massive wildfire quickly closing in, a collection agency waiting…
You Cannot Earn Love and Be Happy
In a proper marital relationship, neither person needs to work to earn love, because the acceptance and commitment has already been made. In fact, the love was already there before the engagement and, in many instances, even the relationship, had occurred. Likewise in a relationship with Christ there is nothing we can do to earn…
Fulfill Our Joy in the Joy of Christ
“My joy” as found in John chapter 15 and verse 11 means the joy that is Christ’s. This is what He desires for His disciples to possess, by which He can then, as a consequence, guarantee that we will be truly blessed. And what was the joy of Christ?—absolute self-surrender of Himself to His Father—the…
Would You Die For Your Enemies?
“…God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 The Lord was pointing here to His reconciling death, which both His friends and enemies alike needed very much. The idea here is that sometimes a need is so compelling that a man might choose to…
A Remarkable Sacrifice, When Jesus Chose to Lay Down His Life for His Friends
“Greater love hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 God lives in all those who belong to Him. Others are thereby able to see God, because He is in us. They can recognize Him in us by His love shown forth to them through us….
When Overcome by Fear — Don’t Flee!
Fear can cause all kinds of reactions and impulses in us depending on the circumstances. Many will flee, while others may just stand still, like a deer in an approaching vehicle’s headlights. Some will not think or act rationally and might even aid that which is creating fear in the first place. Fear in itself…