Simplicity in a Relationship with Christ

There is only one truly simple thing, and that is a soul’s relationship to Christ. A person is made simple by being restored once he gives his life to Jesus Christ. And this will always show in how he acts. That’s why the Apostle Paul said, “I fear, lest by any means…your minds should be corrupted…

Lies, Truth and Religious Deception

The principal sign that the coming of Christ is near will be religious deception by those claiming to be Christian leaders. Jesus warned that in the days right before His return, we should expect an epidemic of deception [lit. “sweet urgings”], when “…evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2…

Be Not Deceived

We live in a world today that is full of deceivers. The only way we can avoid being misled by them is by paying attention to the advice of Christ. He stated in advance what signs will arrive before His coming. The first would be an increase in false prophets and false Christs. “…He said,…

Christ or the World?

How difficult it is today to tell the difference between the lives of the people in God’s Church and those outside of it! Each day it becomes clearer that the modern Church has been mostly taken over by worldliness. Many congregations build multi-building complexes to carry out their own worship, yet care very little about…

Devil, Deception and the Masquerade

“Hey, Mitch, you devil, what are you wearing for the masquerade?” a voice yelled out from one cubicle. “Mitch, is the bell going to toll this year?” said another voice bursting out of one of the offices, followed by uproarious laughter. Mitchell began to hurry as he walked to the city planner’s office. He had…

1 Choice in 2 Trees = Our Destiny

The first man saw that the trees in the Garden of Eden were pleasant to look at and good for food. Man had a choice of two particular trees in that garden: “…the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9,…

A Warning Against Counterfeit Truth

We locate what we want to buy at the big department store, proceed to the checkout and hand the clerk large sums of our money. The clerk takes the larger denominations of our cash, and with a quick swipe of a special felt-tipped marker, verifies that the bills aren’t counterfeit. If our money passes this…