Hope in the Cloud Overshadowing You

When Jesus was transformed on the Mount of Transfiguration, He glowed both inside and out. His apostles were filled with fear as they tried to figure out what was happening. Suddenly they heard a voice speak to them coming directly from heaven, declaring, ‘This is My beloved Son; hear Him’! But they were still afraid…

Worry Over Food, Clothing, and More?

Jesus specifically said, “Take no [distracting] thought for your life…” So why do you concern yourself with “what ye shall eat…drink…put on…”? Does He really want you to worry and constantly anxious, distressed, or puzzled about how to get what you need? Having this attitude leads to despair and unbelief, which do not honor God….

We Can Sleep in Peace With God — a Surefire Tranquilizer

Stress, anxiety, tension, uncertainty, pressures, hassles, revenge, lawsuits, bankruptcy, crime, assault, disease, accidents, anger, tragedy, violence, suffering—the list goes on and on. At various times, there will be upsets in our life that will leave us sleepless. It might be a major ordeal or maybe just a minor event. Whether we’re young or old, married…

A Strong Tower

You are in a bad predicament. Your enemy has you surrounded and is closing in quickly. What should you do? Run! Me, run? Yes, you! Run. Run to the nearest fortified protection. But that’s retreating. I don’t retreat, I fight! So you are going to fight an enemy that is always more powerful than you…

When We Trust in Jesus Our Anchor is Secure

Our journey through life often resembles a turbulent sea voyage, where storms of adversity threaten us. In these moments of turmoil, our faith is tested, and we must choose where to place our trust. Just as a skilled captain relies on his experience and instincts to navigate treacherous waters, we too can find guidance and…

Does God Ever Care About Your Worry ?

Are you going through a situation where you feel like God doesn’t care about you? Does it seem like He doesn’t see what you are going through? Do you feel like you have to worry and fret over your situation, since God apparently is not interested in helping you with it? Maybe you think He…

From Sea to Table — He’ll Protect You

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalms 46:1). When the winds are howling or the storm is raging, Jesus will always be our source of hope, peace, and protection—if we will let Him. When we let fear, despair, or worry into our lives, they will take over and peace…