A Deadly Snake—A Means for Life?

Jesus speaks of a serpent being lifted up in the wilderness, and how, by believing in Him, one can have eternal life. “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John…

For Jesus to Come and Die Again is Absurd

Many years ago, I heard a verse in a song that said, “If He had to do it all again, He’d do it all again.” The song’s overall message tells how great the love of Jesus is to want to come and die again. It is true that He loved us so much that, even…

Born to Die?

Since the time of creation billions have been born into this world, lived out their lives and then died. Yet out of these there was only one who was born to die. Over two thousand years ago Jesus Christ was born as a man to make a way for all of those who accept and…

Secure the Ultimate Insurance Policy

The concept of insurance has been traced as far back as 1700 BC in the Babylonian period. It is basically a guarantee provided by an individual, company, organization, or governmental entity for reimbursement of a specific loss. In return, the provider expects payment of a premium or prearranged fee for the duration of coverage. While…

A Victim of the Wrong Destination

Many think that they can just get on a track that seems right when it comes to really finding God and entering Heaven and they will surely arrive at the feet of God Himself, along with everyone else on other parallel tracks. The Bible spoke of this and its outcome thousands of years ago: “There…

A Matter of Death and Life Forever

Before He went to the cross to die, Jesus told His followers that He is the resurrection and He is the [eternal] life. Then He told them that whoever lives and believes in Him will die also—yet they will live! This means that they will also be raised from the dead (resurrected) and will have…

The Failure of the Fountain of Youth

A variety of folktales about a possible “Fountain of Youth” have circulated across the world for thousands of years. Greek historian Herodotus in the fifth century B.C. wrote about a fountain supposedly in Ethiopia, with a very special kind of water which gave the people superior duration of life. A tale was also told about…

God’s Special Gift

Imagine how those shepherds felt while they were “…keeping watch over their flock by night” (Luke 2:8). Mary had just brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped Him in the swaddling cloth, and laid Him in the manger. He was born in a stable used by temple shepherds for newborn temple lambs. The lambs had…

Hopelessly Lost in a Godless Journey

Does your life feel like one big journey that you have been endlessly moving along, sometimes fast, sometimes slow? It seems like you feel you’re never really getting anywhere, as if you’re traveling in overlapping circles or everything around you is moving so quickly that you don’t know where or who you are. Yet in…