Where Should Our Hope Rest?

What is it that we are searching for? Is it for peace, joy and hope in our life? Is it what Jesus is looking for, or for something that will satisfy ourself? If we look to ourself for hope, we won’t find it. When a personal or world crisis occurs, thinking positively without living godly…

In Difficult Situations God Is Always Superior

God chooses to put His children into difficult situations of great magnitude sometimes, which seem to lead us to a position of no escape. If He asked us in advance what we think of being subjected to them, it would never be our choice to be in such circumstances. What about you? Are you in…

He Went Out of the Way to Save You

The man was sitting beside a small, recently fallen, tree near the woods at the edge of town. His hand gripped his chest constantly and a grimace showed on his face. He was obviously in great pain. His other hand rose occasionally, feebly waving in an attempt to motion for help. A woman sat nearby,…

Looking to Yourself or Jesus Brings Failure or Hope

How many times in your life do you run into problems and trouble, ending up with no way out. You try all kinds of things to alleviate the situation but to no real avail. Yet in reality you can’t be free the state you are in as long as you keep looking to yourself. As…

Seeing the Whole City

Suppose you live in a very large city, and friends you haven’t seen for many years come to visit for a short time. After you all chat a while, they say that they want to “see your city.” Naturally, you are eager to oblige. You get everyone in your vehicle and proceed to show them…

When Cheer Breaks the Afflicted Trap

Are you currently in distress? Have you been extremely annoyed or highly embarrassed lately? Or are you experiencing pain or suffering? Now is the time for you to exercise your faith and hope in God. You may need physical healing, or your need may be spiritual healing. We frequently need both, since some physical suffering…