By Faith the Righteous Will Triumph

The final end of the wicked and the righteous will be quite different. The Lord has made upright people righteous (right in His eyes) by blotting their sins out and pouring new life into their heart by His Holy Spirit. The Lord’s grace will assist them continually, until they’re finally brought into His kingdom, and…

Our Strength and Ultimate Refuge

When we encounter setbacks and difficulties, we often make an effort to keep pushing on in an attempt to improve our situation by relying on our own strength, ideas and abilities. But how much progress do we think we can make if we depend on these alone? In our own strength, we cannot overcome any…

Seeking Refuge Among the Enemy?

Imagine being fiercely pursued by your country’s leader, along with some of his best men, and then making false statements to a priest of God to get something to eat. Next, you stretch the truth even more to acquire a sword (which you don’t need in the first place) that belonged to a person of…

The Only Refuge We Will Ever Need

What is a refuge? It is defined as a safe state of being, or a shelter from danger and misfortune. The word itself is from the Latin refugium, meaning ‘flee back’. All of the following are classified as a shelter in one form or another: a tent, a building, a fortified tower, a mountain, an…

When We Are Protected Under God’s Shadow

The psalmist declares in the first verse of Psalm 91, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” What a wonderful thought for us, the children of the Almighty, to be protected under God’s shadow! Imagine how our enemies would feel if they knew…

From Sea to Table — He’ll Protect You

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalms 46:1). When the winds are howling or the storm is raging, Jesus will always be our source of hope, peace, and protection—if we will let Him. When we let fear, despair, or worry into our lives, they will take over and peace…