Where Should Our Hope Rest?

What is it that we are searching for? Is it for peace, joy and hope in our life? Is it what Jesus is looking for, or for something that will satisfy ourself? If we look to ourself for hope, we won’t find it. When a personal or world crisis occurs, thinking positively without living godly…

“The Plague Shall Not…Destroy You”

“…the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague [Hebrew meaning: an infliction of disease] shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land…” Exodus 12:13 “I will pass over you.”…

Take the Slack Out of Your Anchor Line

The shoreline around the bay was littered with all types and sizes of boats, the result of two severe storms that had recently hit the region back to back. As Marco and his friend Lee surveyed the damage, they spotted a sailboat that had slammed up against a large tree not far from them. Marco…

Hopes, Fears and Peace on Earth

Near the end of each and every year, most of the world looks to the ultimate idea of peace on Earth. Centuries have now passed, and we still have yet to experience such a concept. What were the angels speaking about when they proclaimed over two thousand years ago: “Glory to God in the highest,…

Our Faith—Not Quantity but Quality

A line in an old Gospel song about our faith says, “Faith, faith, faith you don’t need a whole lot, just use what you’ve got.” Jesus said, “…for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and…

A Matter of Death and Life Forever

Before He went to the cross to die, Jesus told His followers that He is the resurrection and He is the [eternal] life. Then He told them that whoever lives and believes in Him will die also—yet they will live! This means that they will also be raised from the dead (resurrected) and will have…

When You’ve No Hope — God Cares for You

There are times when the Lord God chooses to put His people into intensely difficult situations which appear to lead to a position where there is no way of escape. If He were to ask you in advance what you think about them, you would never choose to be involved in such predicaments on your…

Like Exit Signs Jesus is the Way Out

Have you ever thought about the “EXIT” signs that many buildings have placed inside rooms over the doors that lead the way out of the building? On the ones very often seen, the word EXIT is in red letters, lit from behind. Studies have found that red is the color most recognizable in a smoky,…

Hopelessly Lost in a Godless Journey

Does your life feel like one big journey that you have been endlessly moving along, sometimes fast, sometimes slow? It seems like you feel you’re never really getting anywhere, as if you’re traveling in overlapping circles or everything around you is moving so quickly that you don’t know where or who you are. Yet in…